RFK Jr. Walks Back Support for Legal Abortion Up Until Birth, Now Endorses ‘Viability’ Cutoff – Calvin Freiburger 5/17/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Democrat environmental activist turned independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. now says he considers fetal viability a cutoff point for legal abortion, just days after declaring his opposition to pro-life laws even in the ninth month of pregnancy.

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RFK Jr. Confirms he Supports Legal Abortion Up Until Birth in New Interview – Calvin Freiburger 5/10/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Democrat environmental activist turned independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. erased all doubt this week as to his pro-abortion absolutism, declaring that he opposes legal protection for even fully-developed preborn babies at the end of pregnancy.

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3 House Republicans Confront CDC About IVF Industry’s ‘Destruction of Precious Life’ – Calvin Freiburger 5/3/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Three Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives are seeking answers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) about the lack of oversight of the in vitro fertilization (IVF) industry and the destruction of untold numbers of human embryos through IVF.

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Planned Parenthood Exposed for ‘Transitioning’ Children in Missouri, Forced to Turn Over Documents – Calvin Freiburger 4/12/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

On Thursday, Missouri courts ordered Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis affiliate to hand over documents pertaining to its subjection of minors to “gender transition” procedures.

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Macron Leads ‘Celebration’ of Constitutional Right to Abortion at Unprecedented Ceremony in Paris – Jeanne Smits 3/8/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

For the first time in French history, a public ceremony was organized Friday to solemnize the inscription of a new amendment into the Constitution.

What used to take place in the office of the Minister of Justice, also called the Garde des Sceaux (“Keeper of the Seals”), was turned into a quasi-religious event on the celebrated Place Vendôme in the center of Paris by President Emmanuel Macron.

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American Medical Association Once Accurately Predicted what would Happen if Society Embraced Abortion – Fritz Baumgartner, MD 11/17/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

The fall of Roe v. Wade erupted into a firestorm of medical condemnation of the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision of 2022. The American Medical Association (AMA) vociferously complained of the Supreme Court’s “intrusion into the medical examination room, a direct attack on the practice of medicine and the patient-physician relationship, and a brazen violation of patients’ rights to evidence-based reproductive health services” (AMA, June 24, 2022).

Based on these fighting words, one would think that the AMA had always considered abortion to be a “right,” a foundation of “reproductive health care.” Any “reasonable” person would have to conclude that the AMA always held as sacrosanct the “right” of women to “choose” to kill their children via abortion.

In historical point of fact, the American Medical Association previously forcefully and unanimously condemned abortion and abortionists with profoundly strong language. As noted in a previous LifeSiteNews article, it was none other than the AMA itself which was responsible for the individual state anti-abortion laws which largely remained intact until Roe v. Wade imposed the federal “right” to abortion on the country in 1973.

Continue reading “American Medical Association Once Accurately Predicted what would Happen if Society Embraced Abortion – Fritz Baumgartner, MD 11/17/23”

Why are so Many Celebrities Suddenly Revealing they Aborted their Children? – Jonathon Van Maren 11/24/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

It is the year of abortion memoirs.  

In her memoir Paris, published earlier this year, the first “famous for being famous” celebrity Paris Hilton revealed that when she was 22 years old, she had an abortion. Hilton was – and is – a scion of one of the wealthiest families in the world. When she was 22, she was already on the trajectory to a life of fame: 

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Whoopi Goldberg Meets with Pope Francis, Champions his Acceptance of Homosexuality – LifeSite News 10/12/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Pro-abortion American actress and activist Whoopi Goldberg met with Pope Francis Thursday, the former taking the time to thank the latter for his “message” surrounding so-called climate change, and his stance on homosexual acts and Communion for the divorced and “remarried.”

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New TV Show Starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon Portrays Pro-Lifers as Villains – Jonathon Van Maren 10/2/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Jennifer Aniston has long been vocal about her support for abortion. When Texas passed their heartbeat bill, she posted an old clip of Friends (in which she starred) with the line: “I repeat … no uterus, no opinion.” When Roe v. Wade was overturned, Aniston asserted that attacks on birth control and same-sex “marriage” would likely be next. She was a fan of Netflix boycotting Georgia over passing protections for pre-born children, calling it “fantastic.”

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Report Details Billions of Dollars Warren Buffett has Funneled to Abortion Groups Around the World – Calvin Freiburger 8/31/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

With newly-enforceable pro-life laws cutting into the abortion industry’s bottom line over the past year, the abortion-on-demand movement persists in large part due to the support of wealthy far-left financiers, one of the biggest of which is investor Warren Buffett.

Buffett, the 93-year-old CEO of multinational conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway and the fifth richest man in the world at a net worth of $106 billion, is known in the mainstream as a philanthropist. This week, however, an extensive report by Restoration News’s Hayden Ludwig (Part 1, Part 2) details how Buffett has poured “billions” of dollars into the cause of “choice” as part of a broader depopulation agenda.

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Minnesota Insanity is the Model of the ‘America’ Coming to Your State Soon – Gary D. Barnett 6/5/23

Source: garydbarnett.com

“Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life.”

A.E. Samaan

Communism is not far away. It is as close as Minnesota, a state consumed by socialists, control freaks, and neo-Marxism; all in a post-modern communistic political state. Given the ridiculous and pathetic sensibilities of this current American population, I must clarify that my statements are general in nature, and not meant to ‘offend’ those self-conscious, weak, and easily insulted ‘conservatives’ and libertarian types, who live in Minnesota. This disclaimer should not be necessary given any amount of individual intelligence or confidence, but all in Minnesota should by now be aware of the state of affairs in this communal hellhole of socialism.

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