World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24


NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

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The Big Picture Behind Viktor The Mediator’s Peace Shuttle – Pepe Escobar 7/9/24


Viktor Orban is on a roll.

And that has set out a riotous roller coaster.

Everyone has been gripped by the extraordinary spectacle of pre-historic specimens wallowing in the Western geopolitical swamp reaching the depths of Hysteriastan at the sight of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s peace shuttle moving from Ukraine and Russia to China.

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Trump’s Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented – Andrew Korybko 7/3/24


Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that was written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra in February 2023 for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America. Titled “Pivoting the US Away from Europe to a Dormant NATO”, it details how the US can get the EU to defend Europe while the US focuses on containing China in Asia.

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US Acquires Anti-China Missile Network Along First Island Chain – Reiho Takeuchi 6/19/24


Since the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty expired in 2019, the United States has developed Medium-Range Missile (MRM) capability.

On April 3, 2024, Gen. Charles Flynn, U.S. Army Pacific commanding general, told the Japanese media at the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo that the U.S. Army planned to deploy a new MRM launcher in the Asia-Pacific region by the end of this year that could act as a deterrent against China. He didn’t disclose the name of the missile launching system or where and when the U.S. would deploy it. However, the Asahi Shimbun reported that a U.S. government source said the system would likely be based in Guam and temporarily transferred to Japan for training.

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Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24


In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow.

Continue reading “Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24”

Marat Khairullen: The African Front – Karl Sanchez 6/15/24


Veteran War Correspondent Marat Khairullen’s insights have been shared here before. I read this at his Telegram yesterday morning and knew it was a scoop but that the other events demanded to be covered first and were. Now a very interesting thing occurred between yesterday and today—yesterday I had no issues with my inbuilt translation software doing its work, and I kept the tab with it open continually in the event I’d have time to make it into an article before I retired; however, today that one section of his Telegram would not automatically translate although everything else did: Why is a very good question. Now, his report was also aired in an audio format on the 13th at this URL. As you’ll see, I was able to translate the entire 11,000+ words.

Continue reading “Marat Khairullen: The African Front – Karl Sanchez 6/15/24”

The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24


In case you missed the Reuters news story, during 2020 and 2021, the Pentagon used fake social media accounts and bot farms to flood Filipinos with messaging about the ineffectiveness of Chinese PPE and China’s Sinovac (COVID-19) vaccine.

Continue reading “The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24″

Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans? – Yuhong Dong, M.D., Ph.D. and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, M.D., Ph.D. 5/29/24


In the past six months, bird flu has surprised scientists at least twice.

Bird flu viruses have circulated mainly in birds for a long time. However, in early December 2023, an outbreak occurred in U.S. dairy cows, even though cattle are not typically susceptible to avian influenza A, the bird flu virus.

Continue reading “Is Gain-of-Function Responsible for the Bird Flu Jump to Cows and Humans? – Yuhong Dong, M.D., Ph.D. and Xiaoxu Sean Lin, M.D., Ph.D. 5/29/24”

Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor – Robert W. Malone MD 5/23/24


I draw four key conclusions from all of this:

  1. NIH is corrupt. Which I knew before, but was not aware how deep that corruption goes.
  2. It is now well past time for the select committee to begin asking the hard questions regarding what took place with the COVID genetic vaccines.
  3. David Morens is just gross. This is the type of person that Anthony Fauci chose to surround himself with.
  4. If you have any remaining confusion at all as to why I have no interest in working in DC, and why I so deeply loathe DC (and HHS) culture, this should help clarify my position.

Continue reading “Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor – Robert W. Malone MD 5/23/24”

The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24


Theories of a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 have largely focused on the presence in the genome of the famous furin cleavage site. Less attention has been paid to other anomalies and, in particular, the presence of the so-called HIV inserts first flagged by the Indian research team Pradhan et al. in late January 2020 and quickly dismissed as untenable conspiracy-mongering.

Continue reading “The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24”

Jon Stewart Says Apple Asked Him Not To Interview FTC Chair Lina Khan – Cindy Harper 4/3/24


Jon Stewart’s encounter with Apple censorship came to light during a recent episode of his The Daily Show, featuring an interview with Lina Khan, the Chair of the Federal Trade Commission. After inviting Khan onto his The Problem with Jon Stewart Apple TV+ show for a podcast episode, Apple’s censorship became conspicuous when it requested Stewart not to proceed with the invite.

“I wanted to have you on a podcast and Apple asked us not to do it,” Stewart told Khan. “They literally said, ‘Please don’t talk to her.’”

Continue reading “Jon Stewart Says Apple Asked Him Not To Interview FTC Chair Lina Khan – Cindy Harper 4/3/24”

China Planted Mystery Devices On Cranes Used In US Ports, Could Seize Control Remotely: Congressional Letter – Andrew Thornebrooke 3/8/24


Top Republicans from multiple House committees are sounding the alarm on a series of mysterious devices that appear to have been implanted into container cranes used throughout the U.S. port system by China.

The lawmakers say that numerous modems with no known function were uncovered from ship-to-shore (STS) cranes, which are used to unload cargo at the nation’s largest ports.

Continue reading “China Planted Mystery Devices On Cranes Used In US Ports, Could Seize Control Remotely: Congressional Letter – Andrew Thornebrooke 3/8/24”

Fatal Flaws Undermine America’s Defense Industrial Base – Brian Berletic 2/15/24


The first-ever US Department of Defense National Defense Industrial Strategy (NDIS) confirms what many analysts have concluded in regard to the unsustainable nature of Washington’s global-spanning foreign policy objectives and its defense industrial base’s (DIB) inability to achieve them.

The report lays out a multitude of problems plaguing the US DIB including a lack of surge capacity, inadequate workforce, off-shore downstream suppliers, as well as insufficient “demand signals” to motivate private industry partners to produce what’s needed, in the quantities needed, when it is needed.

Continue reading “Fatal Flaws Undermine America’s Defense Industrial Base – Brian Berletic 2/15/24”

New Documents Bolster Lab-Leak Hypothesis – Nicholas Wade 1/25/24


The day is growing ever closer when Washington may have to add to its agenda with Beijing a nettlesome item it has long sought to avoid: the increasingly likely fact that China let the SARS2 virus escape from the Wuhan lab where it was concocted, setting off the Covid-19 pandemic that killed some 7 million people globally and wrought untold economic havoc.

New documents may explain why no one has been able to find the SARS2 virus (aka SARS-CoV-2) infesting a colony of bats, from which it might have jumped to people. The reason would be that the virus has never existed in the natural world. Documents obtained by U.S. Right to Know, a health advocacy group, provide a recipe for assembling SARS-type viruses from six synthetic pieces of DNA designed to be a consensus sequence—the genetically most infectious form—of viruses related to SARS1, the bat virus that caused the minor epidemic of 2002. The probative weight of the recipe is that prior independent evidence already pointed to SARS2 having just such a six-section structure.

Continue reading “New Documents Bolster Lab-Leak Hypothesis – Nicholas Wade 1/25/24”

Scientists at the Center of the ‘Lab Leak’ Controversy Met with NIH, Fauci – Robert W. Malone MD 1/6/24


Over the last year, it has become abundantly clear that Dr. Fauci lied and gaslit Senator Rand Paul during sworn Senate testimony during July of 2021, stating “Sen. Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about, quite frankly. And I want to say that officially, you do not know what you’re talking about.”

But it turns out that Senator Paul did know what he was talking about, and it was Fauci that was lying and deflecting, much as he did during his sworn testimony in the case of Missouri vs Biden. Or maybe it was just a memory failure, as Fauci repeatedly claimed during his Missouri v Biden testimony.

Continue reading “Scientists at the Center of the ‘Lab Leak’ Controversy Met with NIH, Fauci – Robert W. Malone MD 1/6/24”

How Yemen Changed Everything – Pepe Escobar 12/28/23


Whether invented in northern India, eastern China or Central Asia – from Persia to Turkestan – chess is an Asian game. In chess, there always comes a time when a simple pawn is able to upset the whole chessboard, usually via a move in the back rank whose effect simply cannot be calculated.

Yes, a pawn can impose a seismic checkmate. That’s where we are, geopolitically, right now.

The cascading effects of a single move on the chessboard – Yemen’s Ansarallah stunning and carefully targeted blockade of the Red Sea – reach way beyond global shipping, supply chains, and The War of Economic Corridors. Not to mention the reduction of the much lauded US Navy force projection to irrelevancy…….

Read More…

Dr Robert W. Malone: On Propaganda Stunts and Why No One Seems to Care about Non-Covid Excess Deaths – Hannes Sarv 11/21/23


When the Swedish Karolinska Institutet awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in early October this year, Dr. Robert Malone took his time before making any comments. He wanted to understand exactly what the University of Pennsylvania researchers, Hungarian-American biochemist Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, a professor of medicine, had been awarded the prize for. According to an explanation from the Karolinska Institutet, it was given for discoveries concerning nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of effective mRNA vaccines against Covid-19. Karikó and Weissman published the work on which the prize was based in 2005.

Continue reading “Dr Robert W. Malone: On Propaganda Stunts and Why No One Seems to Care about Non-Covid Excess Deaths – Hannes Sarv 11/21/23”

Chinese “Surge” in Children with Respiratory Infections? – Robert W. Malone MD 11/26/23


“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.’
–Marie Curie

On Tuesday, 11 November 2023, the ProMED mail (Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases) international early warning system, hosted and maintained by the International Society for Infectious Diseases, posted a machine translated report from FTV News (China) of an undiagnosed respiratory illness in several areas in China in the general regions of Beijing and Liaoning. As these two cities are almost 800 km apart, this information implies a widespread outbreak.

Continue reading “Chinese “Surge” in Children with Respiratory Infections? – Robert W. Malone MD 11/26/23″

Owner Of Chinese Biolab Busted In California Linked To CCP Military Program: House Report – ZeroHedge 11/16/23


The Chinese owner of a makeshift biolab discovered in a remote California city has ties to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and a Chinese military program, according to a report by the House Select Subcommittee on the CCP.

Continue reading “Owner Of Chinese Biolab Busted In California Linked To CCP Military Program: House Report – ZeroHedge 11/16/23”

Why Does the US Support Israel? – Michael Hudson 11/13/23


BEN NORTON: Why does the United States so strongly support Israel?

In this video today, I’m going to be explaining the geopolitical and economic reasons why Israel is such an important part of U.S. foreign policy and Washington’s attempt to dominate not only the region of the Middle East, but really the entire world.

For this analysis today, I had the privilege of being joined by the economist Michael Hudson. I will bring him in later to provide further details about this topic. But first, I want to highlight some very important basic context to understand this relationship.

It is crucial to stress that Israel is an extension of U.S. geopolitical power in one of the most critically important regions of the world.

Continue reading “Why Does the US Support Israel? – Michael Hudson 11/13/23”