Joe Biden Out in Apparent Palace Coup – Eugyppius 7/22/24


At 7:16 pm on 20 July, the Joe Biden Twitter account posted that the upcoming election “is the most important … of our lifetimes” and said “I will win it.”

According to the New York Times, this tweet went up hours after Biden had already resolved to leave the presidential race. That article tells us the ageing president spent the afternoon and evening of Saturday with his close adviser Steve Richetti and his speechwriter and strategist Mike Donilon drafting a resignation letter. Throughout this time, Biden and his regents remained totally incommunicado.

The Joe Biden Twitter account finally posted this document to Twitter on Sunday afternoon, at 2:46 pm:…

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“Day Has Finally Come”: Instagram Censors Team USA Rifle Shooter Ahead Of Paris Paralympics – ZeroHedge 7/20/24


Big tech’s crackdown on “gunfluencers” is nothing new, but policies at social media companies are becoming increasingly restrictive (read: here), leading to the demonetization of numerous channels. The latest victim of this aggressive censorship isn’t even the typical gun YouTuber but instead a competitive rifle shooter on Team USA for the Paralympics.

Continue reading ““Day Has Finally Come”: Instagram Censors Team USA Rifle Shooter Ahead Of Paris Paralympics – ZeroHedge 7/20/24″

Anti-Free Speech Laws Hit New Heights in Italy: Reporter Fined for “Body Shaming” Prime Minister Meloni – Jonathan Turley 7/21/24


I have long been critical of the erosion of free speech in Italy and other Western European countries, including the use of criminal libel laws against critics of the police or government. This week a Milan court has ordered a journalist to pay Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni damages of 5,000 euros ($5,465) for making fun of her in a social media post. Giulia Cortese was also given a suspended fine of 1,200 euros for a joke on X. It is the latest absurd example of the expanding crackdown on free speech….

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Bangladesh Riots Force Government To Cut Internet Nationwide As Chaos Erupts – ZeroHedge 7/18/24


Bangladesh has been rocked by weeks of social unrest as thousands of university students protest against inequality, poverty, and the lack of job security in the South Asian country. The unrest worsened this week, forcing the government to shut down the nation’s internet service to prevent further student organizing and unrest.

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YouTube’s New Firearm Censorship Policies Spark Crisis for Creators – Rick Findlay 7/18/24


YouTube has imposed stringent new policies regarding videos linked to firearms, profoundly affecting channels like the well-known Hickok45. With a subscriber base of 7.75 million, Hickok45 has been a cornerstone in the YouTube firearms community, offering content that spans reviews, safety tips, and educational discussions about firearms.

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During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24


There is only one major social media platform that is relatively free of censorship. That is X, once known as Twitter, and owned by Elon Musk, who has preached free speech for years and sacrificed billions in advertising dollars in order to protect it. If we don’t have that, he says, we lose freedom itself. He also maintains that it is the best path to finding the truth.

The crisis that broke out after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life put the principle in motion. I was posting regular updates and never censored. I’m not aware of anyone who was. We were getting second-by-second updates in real time. The videos were flying along with every conceivable rumor, many false and then corrected, alongside free speech “spaces” in which everyone was sharing their views.

During this time, Facebook and its suite of services fell silent, consistent with the new ethos of all these platforms. The idea is to censor all speech until it is absolutely confirmed by officials and then permit only that which is consistent with the press releases.

Continue reading “During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24”

Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Robert W. Malone MD 7/13/24


Musk has confirmed that the following text, as well as the video (above) from Michael Shellenberger, is all true:

The totalitarianism we warned of is happening. The European Union is at this moment forcing big tech companies to secretly engage in mass censorship. Google and Facebook are, apparently, going along with it.

Only Elon Musk’s X, among the major platforms, is resisting.

Continue reading “Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Robert W. Malone MD 7/13/24”

The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24


In case you missed the Reuters news story, during 2020 and 2021, the Pentagon used fake social media accounts and bot farms to flood Filipinos with messaging about the ineffectiveness of Chinese PPE and China’s Sinovac (COVID-19) vaccine.

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New York Passes Online Age Verification Digital ID Law – Didi Rankovic 6/10/24


Lawmakers in New York have passed the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act and the Child Data Protection Act.

Assembly Bill A8148A and Senate Bill S7694A (that became the SAFE Act) were introduced as aiming to prevent social platforms from showing minors “addictive” (i.e., algorithmically manipulated) feeds, among a host of other provisions.

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Dr. Phil Blasts TikTok for Banning Trump Interview Promo – Cindy Harper 6/9/24


Dr. Phil McGraw expressed frustration with TikTok’s censorship policies after the platform rejected a promotional video for his show on Merit+, advertising an interview with President Donald Trump. Dr. Phil shared the experience with his audience, highlighting concerns about the social media giant’s content moderation practices.

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Free Speech Video Platform Odysee Finds New Life with Arweave Integration – Rick Findlay 6/8/24


Forward Research has announced its acquisition of Odysee, a crypto-based censorship-resistant video platform. With this strategic acquisition, Forward Research aims to weave Odysee’s seven million-strong user base into the fabric of the Arweave network, a decentralized data storage solution heralded as the “permaweb.”

Arweave is a decentralized storage network that leverages blockchain technology to create a permanent and immutable data storage solution. Designed to store data permanently, it enables users and developers to pay a one-time fee for perpetual data storage, making it a revolutionary alternative to traditional cloud storage services that require ongoing payments. This innovative approach is aimed at preserving valuable information indefinitely, fostering a sustainable and censorship-resistant web infrastructure….

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Navy SEALs Ridiculed for Promoting LGBT ‘Pride’ on Social Media: ‘Our Enemies are Laughing at Us’ – Doug Mainwaring 6/4/24


The Navy SEALs – famous for being one of the military’s most elite, respected fighting forces – and the Department of Defense are being blasted on social media for promoting rainbow-colored social media posts promoting Pride month.

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New X Policy Forces Earners To Verify Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Company – Ken Macon 5/22/24


X, formerly Twitter, is now mandating the use of a government ID-based account verification system for users that earn revenue on the platform – either for advertising or for paid subscriptions.

To implement this system, X has partnered with Au10tix, an Israeli company known for its identity verification solutions. Users who opt to receive payouts on the platform will have to undergo a verification process with the company….

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French Government Blocks TikTok to Curb Civil Unrest in New Caledonia – Christina Maas 5/15/24


France has imposed a state of emergency in New Caledonia in response to protests and riots, leading to a ban on TikTok as authorities seek to stabilize the region. The French government has taken these measures to address the unrest that erupted after a contentious vote extending voting rights in the territory’s provincial elections and is the latest example of a government restricting internet access as a means to control citizens.

Continue reading “French Government Blocks TikTok to Curb Civil Unrest in New Caledonia – Christina Maas 5/15/24”

Jim Jordan Drops “Smoking Gun” Over White House ‘Lab Leak’ Suppression At Facebook – ZeroHedge 5/3/24


Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) has released several new pieces of previously unseen information revealing what Elon Musk called a “smoking gun” in regards White House pressure on Facebook to censor the lab leak theory of Covid-19.

First, Jordan shares a text message from Mark Zuckerberg to Sheryl Sandberg, Nick Clegg and Joel Kaplan – the company’s highest-ranking executives at the time, in which he asks if Facebook can tell the world that “the [Biden] WH put pressure on us to censor the lab leak theory?” – hours after Biden accused Facebook of “killing people.”

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The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent – A Midwestern Doctor 4/26/24


Story at a Glance:

•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

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Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that US Intel Agents Tried to Spy on User Messages – Matt Lamb 4/18/24


Federal law enforcement tried to convince a Telegram engineer to change the software so law enforcement could read the messages of its users, the company’s founder told Tucker Carlson during a recent interview.

But he also warned the bigger threat to free expression comes from Google and Apple, which effectively control the use of apps on smartphones.

Continue reading “Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that US Intel Agents Tried to Spy on User Messages – Matt Lamb 4/18/24”

Joey Barton’s Troubling Encounters Raise Questions About UK Speech Police – Cindy Harper 4/22/24


Joey Barton, the former Manchester City and Newcastle footballer, has been experiencing incessant police visits as a result of his Twitter posts, creating what he describes as an uncomfortable atmosphere of intimidation akin to North Korean strong-arm tactics.

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Trump’s New Streaming Strategy Aims To Reshape Media Landscape With Liberated Content – Rick Findlay 4/17/24


Trump Social’s new streaming service promises a safe haven for content creators sidelined by mainstream media.

The Trump Media & Technology Group revealed its latest venture this week, a streaming TV platform designed to broadcast a spectrum of content, including news and films, that the company believes is often overlooked by mainstream media and Big Tech.

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Facebook Designates Grayzone Journalist Kit Klarenberg a ‘Dangerous Individual’ – Kit Klarenberg 4/17/24


The notoriously intelligence-friendly social media network appears to have imposed a ban on posting a recent report by Kit Klarenberg, and is automatically restricting users who re-publish his work.

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Top Timcast Episodes Are Deleted in YouTube’s Retroactive Censorship Raid – Rick Findlay 4/18/24


Tim Pool, a well-known podcaster, has shed light on another prominent censorship action taken by YouTube. With retrospective effect, a couple of his most popular episodes of the Timcast IRL podcast have fallen prey to YouTube’s enforcement protocol. Podcast episodes that hosted personalities such as Joe Rogan, Michael Malice, and Alex Jones have now been eliminated from the platform, despite being on the platform for the last three years.

Continue reading “Top Timcast Episodes Are Deleted in YouTube’s Retroactive Censorship Raid – Rick Findlay 4/18/24”

FDA Will Remove Anti-ivermectin Social Media, Website Posts Under Lawsuit Settlement Agreement – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 3/22/24


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed to take down its website and social media posts warning people not to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 under terms of a settlement reached Thursday in a lawsuit alleging the agency exceeded its authority when it directed health professionals and patients not to use the drug.

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