World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24


NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

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Poland Preparing Military For Full-Scale Conflict, Army Chief Says – ZeroHedge 7/11/24


NATO officials have announced several major moves which collectively mark a significant escalation with Russia at the annual NATO summit in Washington DC this week. First, President Biden on Tuesday unveiled that the US is sending dozens of anti-air defense systems to Ukraine forces amid stepped-up Russian aerial assaults.

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Trump’s Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented – Andrew Korybko 7/3/24


Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that was written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra in February 2023 for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America. Titled “Pivoting the US Away from Europe to a Dormant NATO”, it details how the US can get the EU to defend Europe while the US focuses on containing China in Asia.

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RFK, Jr. Is Right: We Need to Disband NATO, Which Has Morphed into a Suicide Pact – Jason Scott Jones 6/24/24


Thanks to the recklessness of the Biden regime and its overseas catspaws, we are closer to nuclear war than we’ve been since the Cuban Missile Crisis. (Jacob Creech, who is behind the online alias known as “Clandestine”, an independent journalist on Substack and Twitter, writes):

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Hungary Will Jump Off The ‘NATO Train’ Of Escalation As It’s ‘Hopeless’: Orban – ZeroHedge 6/23/24


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said in fresh interview that despite leading Western countries seeking the defeat of Russia in Ukraine, the situation remains “hopeless” for achieving this and it will only lead to greater death and destruction. He described that in the scenario the West actually does eventually succeed, the immense cost in blood and treasure would not be worth it.

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Marat Khairullen: The African Front – Karl Sanchez 6/15/24


Veteran War Correspondent Marat Khairullen’s insights have been shared here before. I read this at his Telegram yesterday morning and knew it was a scoop but that the other events demanded to be covered first and were. Now a very interesting thing occurred between yesterday and today—yesterday I had no issues with my inbuilt translation software doing its work, and I kept the tab with it open continually in the event I’d have time to make it into an article before I retired; however, today that one section of his Telegram would not automatically translate although everything else did: Why is a very good question. Now, his report was also aired in an audio format on the 13th at this URL. As you’ll see, I was able to translate the entire 11,000+ words.

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US Signs $23 Billion F-16 Deal with Turkey – Kyle Anzalone 6/13/24


The US has inked a $23 billion deal with Turkey for 40 F-16 warplanes. Washington promised to sell dozens of the advanced fighter jets to Ankara and upgrade scores of Turkish F-16s in exchange for Turkey approving Sweden’s NATO membership.

The AFP reported the deal was signed on Thursday. “The contract was signed and delegations from both sides are negotiating the details,” Turkish defense ministry sources told the outlet. The State Department said last week that it had taken significant steps towards finalizing the deal, which was proof of the deep military relationship between Washington and Ankara. …

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Finland In First NATO Deployment Parks Jets On Russia’s Doorstep – ZeroHedge 6/17/24


NATO’s two newest members – Finland and Sweden – have already seen their militaries quite busy as part of recent joint exercises with the alliance. For the first time this week, another milestone has been achieved as Finland has deployed fighter jets to another NATO country, in a further reversal of the Scandinavian country’s decades-long policy of neutrality.

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The Vietnamization of Ukraine – Ron Paul 5/21/24


As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside Russian territory. The Biden Administration has to this point avoided involvement in such attacks, likely because Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will strike any facility that supplies or facilitates strikes inside of Russia, wherever they may be.

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Slovak PM Robert Fico Expected To Survive; UK Media Appears To Justify Assassination Attempt – ZeroHedge 5/16/24


Update(1840ET): Prime Minister Fico is said to be improving, following reports that he was in surgery due to several gunshot wounds from the Wednesday assassination attempt. Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba has told the BBC he “is not in a life-threatening situation at this moment.”

“Fortunately, as far as I know, the operation went well – and I guess in the end he will survive,” the statement indicated.

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Why is the West Suddenly Revealing that it has Troops in Ukraine? – Ted Snider 3/21/24


It has long been an open secret that the West has been providing Ukraine with funding, weapons, training, maintenance, targeting intelligence, intelligence on the position of Russian forces and vulnerabilities and even war-gaming. They have provided Ukraine with everything but the bodies. President Joe Biden has long insisted that American troops “are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine.” The West has long denied that it is directly involved in the war or that they have troops in Ukraine.

And that is mostly true. It is Ukrainian soldiers that are being injured and killed in the hundreds of thousands. But it is not entirely true.

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Inside the Anti-Syria Lobby’s Capitol Hill Push for More Starvation Sanctions – Hekmat Aboukhater 3/20/24


A week from the 13th anniversary of the US-backed Syrian dirty war, the American Coalition for Syria held its annual day of advocacy in Washington DC. I went undercover into meetings with Senate policy advisors and witnessed the lobby’s cynical campaign to starve Syria into submission.

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The World Has Spoken on Gaza: The US Again Stands Alone – Ted Snider 12/13/23


United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres “had just invoked Art.99 of the UN Charter – for the 1st time in [his] tenure as Secretary-General.” Article 99 states that “The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.” It was the first time it had been invoked since 1989.

The fifteen member Security Council responded by holding a meeting to vote on an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell “ask[ed] the EU members of the UN Security Council and like-minded partners to support” the resolution. Thirteen nations voted in favor of the resolution. The UK abstained. The US used its veto as a permanent member to block the resolution and ensure that it did not pass. The US stood alone.

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Why Does the US Support Israel? – Michael Hudson 11/13/23


BEN NORTON: Why does the United States so strongly support Israel?

In this video today, I’m going to be explaining the geopolitical and economic reasons why Israel is such an important part of U.S. foreign policy and Washington’s attempt to dominate not only the region of the Middle East, but really the entire world.

For this analysis today, I had the privilege of being joined by the economist Michael Hudson. I will bring him in later to provide further details about this topic. But first, I want to highlight some very important basic context to understand this relationship.

It is crucial to stress that Israel is an extension of U.S. geopolitical power in one of the most critically important regions of the world.

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Putin’s Valdai Speech, What You Need to Know – Ted Snider 10/12/23


On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed the plenary session of the Valdai International Discussion Club near Sochi, Russia. The session was attended by scholars and diplomats from forty-two countries. Putin spoke for half an hour and then answered questions for about three hours. Several interesting things were said.

In western discourse it is always said that Russia started an unprovoked war in Ukraine. There has been much discussion – though not in the mainstream media nor in statements issued by western governments – about whether the war was unprovoked. But there has been little discussion about whether Russia started it.

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How US Gov’t Prosecution of Uhuru Activists Threatens a ‘First Amendment Exception’ – Anya Parampil 10/5/23


Defense attorneys representing three US citizens accused of operating a Russia-directed “malign influence campaign” to “sow discord” in the United States urged Federal Magistrate Judge Anthony E. Porcelli to dismiss the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) case against their clients this September 28, arguing their continued prosecution threatens to “blow a hole in the 1st Amendment.”

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Fact Checking Biden’s UN Speech: Words Versus Action – Ted Snider 9/21/23


US President Joe Biden’s speech before the General Assembly on September 19 spent surprisingly little time on Russia and the war in Ukraine and, in many ways, hit many of the right notes with its praise of “Sovereignty, territorial integrity, human rights . . . the core tenets of the U.N. Charter, the pillars of peaceful relations among nations. . ..” But America’s past performance on these very issues weaken the persuasiveness and sincerity of the appeal.

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Why the Media Aren’t Telling the Whole Story of Libya’s Floods – Jonathan Cook 9/18/23


The reality of the West’s trademark current foreign policy – marketed for the past two decades under the principle of a “Responsibility to Protect” – is all too visible amid Libya’s flood wreckage.

Many thousands are dead or missing in the port of Derna after two dams protecting the city burst this week as they were battered by Storm Daniel. Vast swaths of housing in the region, including in Benghazi, west of Derna, lie in ruins.

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In Ukraine, the Best Plan B Is the Plan Before Plan A – Ted Snider 9/7/23


There is a dawning realization that the war in Ukraine is not going to end with the Ukrainian counteroffensive. It is not going to end with a military victory for Ukraine, and it is not going to end by attaining the goals necessary to force Russia to concede Ukraine’s key demands at the negotiating table.

Continue reading “In Ukraine, the Best Plan B Is the Plan Before Plan A – Ted Snider 9/7/23”