Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says – John-Michael Dumais 7/12/24


Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

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Four Unbelievable Narratives – James Rickards 7/8/24


Everyday Americans and investors in particular are confronted with “narratives” daily. Many include hidden agendas that are politically, ideologically or financially driven.

The key for investors is to see the narrative for what it is, avoid the mass psychosis, position yourself for reality and succeed in the end.

Following are four reigning narratives.

In each case, I sketch these narratives (and what the media wants you to believe), then contrast that sketch with reality supported by hard data.

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Arsonists Run the Fire Department – Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian Hooker 7/1/24


Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires.

These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights, and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more.

Continue reading “Arsonists Run the Fire Department – Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian Hooker 7/1/24”

Is Joe Biden’s Brain Vaccine Injured? How the Democrats Became Consumed by their Own Product – Midwestern Doctor 6/29/24


Story at a Glance:

•One of the most common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination we’ve observed is cognitive impairment. This can range from brain fog to dementia, and frequently we see a rapid acceleration of pre-existing cognitive decline into Alzheimer’s disease.

•Recently large data sets have emerged which support our observations and indicate millions of people are being affected by the adverse neurological effects of the vaccines. Those datasets are summarized here.

Continue reading “Is Joe Biden’s Brain Vaccine Injured? How the Democrats Became Consumed by their Own Product – Midwestern Doctor 6/29/24”

White House Pressured FDA to Cut Corners on COVID Vaccine Approvals in Order to Push Mandates – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 6/28/24


The Biden administration pressured the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to “change its procedures, cut corners, and lower agency standards,” to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines and authorize boosters, according to a congressional report released earlier this week.

Continue reading “White House Pressured FDA to Cut Corners on COVID Vaccine Approvals in Order to Push Mandates – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 6/28/24”

Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 6/24/24


In addition to pressuring social media platforms to censor content during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration also worked with Amazon to suppress books questioning the safety or efficacy of vaccines, according to internal emails obtained through a series of subpoenas, Fox Business reported.

Continue reading “Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 6/24/24”

Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Misleading COVID Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Claims – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 6/20/24


The State of Kansas on Monday sued Pfizer, alleging the pharmaceutical giant misled the public by marketing its COVID-19 vaccine as “safe and effective” while concealing known risks and critical data on limited effectiveness.

Continue reading “Kansas Sues Pfizer Over Misleading COVID Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Claims – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 6/20/24”

Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24


In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow.

Continue reading “Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24”

Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor – Robert W. Malone MD 5/23/24


I draw four key conclusions from all of this:

  1. NIH is corrupt. Which I knew before, but was not aware how deep that corruption goes.
  2. It is now well past time for the select committee to begin asking the hard questions regarding what took place with the COVID genetic vaccines.
  3. David Morens is just gross. This is the type of person that Anthony Fauci chose to surround himself with.
  4. If you have any remaining confusion at all as to why I have no interest in working in DC, and why I so deeply loathe DC (and HHS) culture, this should help clarify my position.

Continue reading “Wrongdoing and Illegal Activity by Dr. Fauci’s Senior Scientific Advisor – Robert W. Malone MD 5/23/24”

Francis Collins’ House Testimony Released – Robert W. Malone MD 5/16/24


Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) released the transcript from Dr. Francis Collins’s transcribed interview. Dr. Collins helped lead the government’s COVID-19 pandemic response as the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) until his resignation at the end of 2021. In conjunction with the transcript, the Select Subcommittee also released a new staff memo that highlights the key takeaways from Dr. Collins’s transcribed interview. The memo can be found here.

The full transcript can be found here. Below are important exchanges from Dr. Collins’s transcribed interview:

Continue reading “Francis Collins’ House Testimony Released – Robert W. Malone MD 5/16/24”

Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin – David Gortler 5/11/24


In the wake of the FDA settling a lawsuit brought against it for wantonly and aggressively smearing ivermectin, the agency has deleted its postings. That’s good, but we shouldn’t forget how egregiously it mischaracterized the drug, ignored copious evidence in its favor, and portrayed its proponents as dangerous crackpots.

Continue reading “Medical Elites’ Disgrace Over Ivermectin – David Gortler 5/11/24”

European Medicines Agency Pulls Authorization for AstraZeneca’s COVID Shot, at Company’s Request – AP 5/8/24


The pharma giant AstraZeneca has requested that the European authorization for its COVID-19 vaccine be pulled, according to the EU medicines regulator.

In an update on the European Medicines Agency’s website Wednesday, the regulator said that the approval for AstraZeneca’s Vaxzevria had been withdrawn “at the request of the marketing authorization holder.”…

Read More…

Book Burning Goes Digital – Brownstone Institute 5/4/24


In March 2021, the Biden White House initiated a brazenly unconstitutional censorship campaign to prevent Americans from buying politically unfavorable books from Amazon.

The effort, spearheaded by White House censors including Andy Slavitt and Rob Flaherty, began on March 2, 2021, when Slavitt emailed Amazon demanding to speak to an executive about the site’s “high levels of propaganda and misinformation and disinformation.”

Continue reading “Book Burning Goes Digital – Brownstone Institute 5/4/24”

Jim Jordan Drops “Smoking Gun” Over White House ‘Lab Leak’ Suppression At Facebook – ZeroHedge 5/3/24


Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) has released several new pieces of previously unseen information revealing what Elon Musk called a “smoking gun” in regards White House pressure on Facebook to censor the lab leak theory of Covid-19.

First, Jordan shares a text message from Mark Zuckerberg to Sheryl Sandberg, Nick Clegg and Joel Kaplan – the company’s highest-ranking executives at the time, in which he asks if Facebook can tell the world that “the [Biden] WH put pressure on us to censor the lab leak theory?” – hours after Biden accused Facebook of “killing people.”

Continue reading “Jim Jordan Drops “Smoking Gun” Over White House ‘Lab Leak’ Suppression At Facebook – ZeroHedge 5/3/24″

The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent – A Midwestern Doctor 4/26/24


Story at a Glance:

•There has been a coordinated campaign to attack and defame anyone who has spoken out against the COVID-19 response. This has primarily been restricted to social media (e.g., getting people deplatformed) but it has also been weaponized in real life (e.g., getting medical licenses revoked).

•This coordinated campaign was the result of a “non-profit” known as The Public Good Project (PGP), which was actually directly linked to the pharmaceutical industry. The PGP used the industry funding it received to defend industry interests.

•Vaccine safety advocates were able to get into the group where these campaigns were coordinated. There, they discovered numerous public figures working hand in hand with healthcare workers to descend like a hive of bees on anyone “promoting misinformation.” Likewise, we learned that the most belligerent doctors we keep encountering on Twitter belonged to these groups.

Continue reading “The Vast Pharmaceutical Conspiracy to Silence Online Dissent – A Midwestern Doctor 4/26/24”

The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24


Theories of a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 have largely focused on the presence in the genome of the famous furin cleavage site. Less attention has been paid to other anomalies and, in particular, the presence of the so-called HIV inserts first flagged by the Indian research team Pradhan et al. in late January 2020 and quickly dismissed as untenable conspiracy-mongering.

Continue reading “The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24”

Australia Bins 35% of Covid Vaccine Supply – Rebekah Barnett 4/18/24


As part of its pandemic response, the Australian government purchased 267.3 million doses of Covid vaccines, enough to vaccinate Australia’s population of approximately 26 million people ten times over.

But figures released to Dystopian Down Under by the Department of Health (DOH) this week confirm that, three years into the vaccine program, only 70 million doses, or 26% of the 267.3 million doses purchased, have been administered, while 35% of vaccines doses have been wasted since the start of the vaccine rollout.

Continue reading “Australia Bins 35% of Covid Vaccine Supply – Rebekah Barnett 4/18/24”

NPR Senior Editor Admits Extreme Bias in Russia Collusion, Hunter Biden Laptop, COVID Coverage – Doug Mainwaring 4/11/24


A longtime senior editor at National Public Radio (NPR) published a blistering critique of the government-funded “news” outlet’s extreme liberal bias, citing how NPR willfully “turned a blind eye” to the truth concerning alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the origin of COVID-19.

The Free Press’ explosive 3,500-word op-ed “I’ve Been at NPR for 25 Years. Here’s How We Lost America’s Trust.” by Uri Berliner confirms what many heartland Americans have known for decades: “An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now, predictably, we don’t have an audience that reflects America.”

Continue reading “NPR Senior Editor Admits Extreme Bias in Russia Collusion, Hunter Biden Laptop, COVID Coverage – Doug Mainwaring 4/11/24”

Hate the Bad, Love the Good – Rev. John F. Naugle 4/8/24


Brace yourself, dear reader, for a statement that will be punished severely by most of the social media landscape and may even be considered a “hate crime” in some jurisdictions:

Richard Levine is a bad man.

In fact, I have no doubt committed at least three hate crimes against the person of Admiral Levine. First, I have referred to him as a man, even though he insists on being called a woman. Second, I have “deadnamed” him by using his birth name given by his parents rather than the new name he has given himself.

Third, and most fundamentally, I have labeled the series of events and the attributes of character that led to a Richard becoming a Rachel as “bad.”

Continue reading “Hate the Bad, Love the Good – Rev. John F. Naugle 4/8/24”

German Corona Policy Political Crisis – Robert W. Malone MD 4/1/24


Release of heavily redacted German government documents obtained under court order by the German alternative media magazine “Multipolar” are shaking up German politics on the eve of the critical 2024 European Parliament election in Germany, which is scheduled to be held on 9 June 2024. The documents reveal COVIDcrisis policy interactions and deference by Robert Koch Institute (RKI) public health scientists to unnamed politicians. The over 1,000 pages of these German language redacted documents can currently be downloaded from this website.

Continue reading “German Corona Policy Political Crisis – Robert W. Malone MD 4/1/24”

What is the Source of the Modern Epidemic of Chronic Illness? – A Midwestern Doctor 3/28/24


Note: while this article has a political focus, it is primarily a discussion of the (relatively unknown) root causes of chronic illness in America.

A year ago, I endorsed RFK Jr. for president and helped promote his campaign launch. Since then, he has had an unprecedented degree of success and is already the most successful independent presidential candidate since Ross Perot’s historic 1992 run.

Because of this, there has been an immense interest on who RFK Jr. would nominate as his running mate. Yesterday, he chose Nicole Shanahan, a lawyer, philanthropist, and entrepreneur who is deeply connected to the Silicon Valley political elite (e.g., she is the recent ex-wife of Google’s co-founder with whom she shares an autistic daughter).

Continue reading “What is the Source of the Modern Epidemic of Chronic Illness? – A Midwestern Doctor 3/28/24”

FDA Will Remove Anti-ivermectin Social Media, Website Posts Under Lawsuit Settlement Agreement – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 3/22/24


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed to take down its website and social media posts warning people not to use ivermectin to treat COVID-19 under terms of a settlement reached Thursday in a lawsuit alleging the agency exceeded its authority when it directed health professionals and patients not to use the drug.

Continue reading “FDA Will Remove Anti-ivermectin Social Media, Website Posts Under Lawsuit Settlement Agreement – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 3/22/24”