Congressional Incompetence in Its Trump-Shooting Investigation – Jacob G. Hornberger 7/23/24


Members of Congress are besides themselves over the testimony of Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle regarding the near-assassination of former president Trump. They are upset that Cheatle was unable to provide them with adequate explanations as to what appears to be incompetence at best and willful blindness, conscious indifference, or complicity at worst on the part of the Secret Service.

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“Most Of Trump’s Security Detail Were Not Even Secret Service”: Whistleblowers – ZeroHedge 7/19/24


Update (1015ET): Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) said on X that according to new whistleblowers, “MOST of Trump’s security detail working the event last Saturday were not even Secret Service,” and were instead “drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).

According to Hawley, “DHS assigned unprepared and inexperienced personnel.”

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Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done – ZeroHedge 7/17/24


Evidence continues to mount that Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was allowed to happen, despite ample warning from bystanders, local PD, and even the shooter’s parents.

To review:

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10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – Michael Snyder 7/14/24


The people that guard our leaders are supposed to be the most highly trained security personnel in the world.  So how could something like this have happened?  As I mentioned in a previous article, I have been trying to put the pieces together.  To me, it appears that we either just witnessed incompetence on an epic scale or something more insidious was going on out there.  The American people deserve answers, and hopefully we will get them.  But I think that one thing is clear.  I don’t see any possible way that the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, can be allowed to keep her job.  There is no way that this shooting would have happened the way that it did if competent people were running the show.

Continue reading “10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – Michael Snyder 7/14/24”

Why Did It Take The Secret Service So Long To Protect Trump? – Michael Snyder 7/15/24


The more we learn about the attempt to kill Donald Trump, the more questions we have.  Over the past couple of days, I have been digging very deeply into what just happened.  To be honest, what I have discovered is extremely alarming.  At this point, there is a growing consensus that either the Secret Service was grossly incompetent or some sort of very insidious plan was being carried out.  I am going to share facts that have been documented, and I will allow my readers to come to their own conclusions.

Continue reading “Why Did It Take The Secret Service So Long To Protect Trump? – Michael Snyder 7/15/24”

We Are Being Systemically Blinded – Bret Weinstein 3/5/24


[This testimony was given at the US Senate, Monday, February 26, 2024.]

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we must zoom out if we are to understand the pattern we are gathered to explore, because the pattern is larger than the Federal Health Agencies and Covid Cartel. If we do zoom out and ask ‘What they are hiding?’, the answer becomes as obvious as it is disturbing: they are hiding everything.
Continue reading “We Are Being Systemically Blinded – Bret Weinstein 3/5/24”

Documents Show DHS Agency “Real-Time Narrative Tracking” of Social Media Posts in 2020 – Christina Maas 12/7/23


Judicial Watch has come forward with newly acquired evidence of an intriguing alliance during the US 2020 election. The investigative body was able to obtain, via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) suit, a series of records demonstrating a comprehensive synergy between the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Information Security Agency (CISA) and a controversial entity, the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP).

Continue reading “Documents Show DHS Agency “Real-Time Narrative Tracking” of Social Media Posts in 2020 – Christina Maas 12/7/23″

The Wellness Company: Altruistic Alternative Healthcare Empire, or Intelligence Operation? – Kristin Elizabeth 11/23/23


The Wellness Company (TWC) is a one-and-a-half-year-old healthcare venture founded by a Canadian businessman named Foster Coulson. It offers a number of different services and products, ranging from dietary supplements to telehealth. TWC is particularly notable in the context of the COVID-19 crisis due to having some of the dissident health movement’s largest and most well-respected names in the United States and Canada on their leadership team, including Dr. Peter McCullough, Harvey Risch, and Julie Ponnesse.

Continue reading “The Wellness Company: Altruistic Alternative Healthcare Empire, or Intelligence Operation? – Kristin Elizabeth 11/23/23”

Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records – Condé Nast 11/20/23


A little-known surveillance program tracks more than a trillion domestic phone records within the United States each year, according to a letter WIRED obtained that was sent by US senator Ron Wyden to the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Sunday, challenging the program’s legality.

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Deep State Censorship Exposed – Robert W. Malone MD 11/8/23


A bombshell new report has been published, titled: “WEAPONIZATION OF “DISINFORMATION” PSEUDO-EXPERTS AND BUREAUCRATS: HOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PARTNERED WITH UNIVERSITIES TO CENSOR AMERICANS’ POLITICAL SPEECH”, Interim Staff Report by the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government U.S. House of Representatives was released on November 6, 2023.

Continue reading “Deep State Censorship Exposed – Robert W. Malone MD 11/8/23”

Fifth Circuit Expands Injunction Against Government Online Censorship To Include CISA – Dan Frieth 10/4/23


A ruling on Tuesday by the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit marks a leap for the safeguarding of free speech within the social media arena. This decision sees the addition of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to a preliminary injunction in the ongoing legal contest of Missouri v. Biden.

Continue reading “Fifth Circuit Expands Injunction Against Government Online Censorship To Include CISA – Dan Frieth 10/4/23”

U.S. Government Monitoring Pregnant Moms’ Social Media Posts – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 9/20/23


The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) premier law enforcement agency monitors expecting parents’ online posts about their pregnancy and reproductive health issues, according to internal emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by the online privacy activist group, Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC).

The U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE), the DHS agency that conducts criminal investigations and enforces U.S. immigration laws, is one of a handful of government agencies that use a software tracking tool called SocialNet.

SocialNet pulls citizens’ online data from a host of websites, including BabyCenter, a reference and pregnancy tracking site where new and expecting parents can post information about their health and pregnancy experiences.

Continue reading “U.S. Government Monitoring Pregnant Moms’ Social Media Posts – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 9/20/23”

The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community – Brownstone Institute 9/13/23


Ostensibly, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Missouri v. Biden was cause for celebration in the battle against censorship. Further analysis, however, suggests that the judges may have greenlit the most insidious aspects of the censorship apparatus. This may be reversed at trial; if not, it will enable the US intelligence community to hijack the First Amendment.
Continue reading “The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community – Brownstone Institute 9/13/23”

How Deep Is the Deep State? – Jeffrey A. Tucker 9/13/23


We received some seemingly excellent news over the weekend. The appellate court of the 5th Circuit has reimposed the restrictions on the White House, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the FBI to stop bullying social media companies to censor content.

This has taken place ahead of the actual trial because two judges found that the practice was so egregious that it needed to be stopped right now before more damage is done to the First Amendment.

Continue reading “How Deep Is the Deep State? – Jeffrey A. Tucker 9/13/23”

Lawmakers Introduce Free Speech Protection Act to Curb Government Censorship – Monica Dutcher 7/24/23


House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, on Thursday introduced the Free Speech Protection Act.

According to a committee press release, the bill would:

“Prohibit executive branch employees and contractors from using their positions to censor and otherwise attack speech protected by the First Amendment. [It] will also impose mandatory severe penalties for those executive branch employees who censor speech.”

Continue reading “Lawmakers Introduce Free Speech Protection Act to Curb Government Censorship – Monica Dutcher 7/24/23”

Judge Hits Biden Administration With Injunction Against “Orwellian” Censorship – Tom Parker 7/4/23


In a major move that could potentially reshape the relationship between the government and social media companies, a federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction barring key agencies and officials of the Biden administration from communicating with tech companies on matters related to suppressing protected speech.

Continue reading “Judge Hits Biden Administration With Injunction Against “Orwellian” Censorship – Tom Parker 7/4/23″

How Do We End Government-Sponsored Censorship? – Dr. Joseph Mercola 6/26/23


Story at a glance:

  • The internet was likely not intended to remain free forever. The intention for it to be used as a totalitarian tool was baked in from the start.
  • Google started as a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) grant and was part of the CIA’s and National Security Agency’s (NSA) digital data program, the purpose of which was to conduct “birds of a feather” mapping online so that certain groups could be neutralized.
  • All of the early internet freedom technologies of the ‘90s were funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Department of State. They were developed by the intelligence community as an insurgency tool — a means to help dissident groups in foreign countries to develop a pro-U.S. stance and evade state-controlled media. Now, these same technologies have been turned against the American public, and are used to control public discourse.
  • In the past, censorship was a laborious task that could only be done after the fact. Artificial intelligence (AI) has radically altered the censorship industry. AI programs can now censor information en masse, based on the language used, and prevent it from being seen at all.
  • One of the most effective strategies that would have an immediate effect would be to strip the censorship industry of its government funding. The House controls the purse strings of the federal government, so the House Appropriations Committee has the power to end the funding of government-sponsored censorship.

Continue reading “How Do We End Government-Sponsored Censorship? – Dr. Joseph Mercola 6/26/23”

Billionaire Biden Donor Bankrolled 2020 Election Social Media Censorship Effort – Lee Fang 6/8/23


The Department of Homeland Security’s controversial social media censorship effort during the 2020 election was propped up by a partisan billionaire.

Newly obtained documents, acquired through a public records request, confirm that Pierre Omidyar, the billionaire founder of eBay, financed a specialized portal maintained by the Center for Internet Security (CIS). This portal was used to facilitate the swift removal of predominantly conservative messages on Twitter and Facebook during the previous presidential election.

Continue reading “Billionaire Biden Donor Bankrolled 2020 Election Social Media Censorship Effort – Lee Fang 6/8/23”

First COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit in U.S. Targets U.S. Government, Social Media Giants – Children’s Health Defense 5/23/23


Five people injured by COVID-19 vaccines, along with a father whose 16-year-old son died from vaccine-induced cardiac arrest, are suing the Biden administration and top U.S. public health officials.

Continue reading “First COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit in U.S. Targets U.S. Government, Social Media Giants – Children’s Health Defense 5/23/23”

DHS Producing Videos Teaching Citizens How To Identify “Radicalized” Conservatives – ZeroHedge 5/11/23


America First Legal (AFL) has obtained documents through FOIA request from the Department of Homeland Security which outline a “Choose Your Own Adventure” style video series that DHS intended to release to the public.  The videos were meant to depict different scenarios in which citizens might encounter potentially “radicalized” individuals.  Citizens are then asked to choose what they think should be done about the encounter.

Most of the scripted scenarios showcase people with conservative beliefs and values as the radicalized threat.  For example, the DHS targeted “suburban Moms” with pro-life beliefs:

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U.S. Government Demanded Twitter Suspend 250,000 Accounts, Including Journalists – Children’sHealthDefense 1/4/23


Two new “Twitter files” document dumps, released Tuesday, reveal details about how the relationship between Twitter, the U.S. intelligence apparatus, and federal and state agencies was “formalized.”

Journalist Matt Taibbi, in a long series of tweets, released the two latest “Twitter files” installments, which he titled, “How Twitter Let the Intelligence Community In” and “Twitter and the FBI ‘Belly Button.’”

The latest documents demonstrate how Twitter, despite some initial resistance, capitulated to stifling pressure from the government and from complicit media outlets and academic actors to crack down on supposed Russian and Chinese influence on the platform and to ban specific accounts.

Continue reading “U.S. Government Demanded Twitter Suspend 250,000 Accounts, Including Journalists – Children’sHealthDefense 1/4/23”

Reclaiming the Right to Free Speech – ForbiddenKnowledgeTV 12/15/22


I experienced my first Big Tech censorship in the first week of July 2015, when from one day to the next, my website was 90% demonetized by Google AdSense.

AdSense had comprised 100% of my income for the previous 5 years and there were no alternatives to Google back then, so this was catastrophic for me.

There was no reason given and there was no recourse. I was simply ghosted by the Google employees who used to help me optimize my ad revenue, in which Google had shared 32%.

Continue reading “Reclaiming the Right to Free Speech – ForbiddenKnowledgeTV 12/15/22”

Guantánamo’s First 7,627 Days – KarenJ.Greenberg 12/8/22


Will America’s Forever Prison Finally Close on Biden’s Watch?

As of December 8, 2022, Guantánamo Bay detention facility — a prison offshore of American justice and built for those detained in this country’s never-ending Global War on Terror — has been open for nearly 21 years (or, to be precise, 7,627 days). Thirteen years ago, I published a book, The Least Worst Place: Guantanamo’s First 100 Days. It told the story of the military officers and staff who received the prison’s initial detainees at that U.S. naval base on the island of Cuba early in 2002. Like the hundreds of prisoners that followed, they would largely be held without charges or trial for years on end.

Continue reading “Guantánamo’s First 7,627 Days – KarenJ.Greenberg 12/8/22”

State Dept. Gives Law Enforcement, Intelligence Agencies Unrestricted Access to Americans’ Personal Data – YahooNews 11/3/22


The State Department is giving law enforcement and intelligence agencies unrestricted access to the personal data of more than 145 million Americans, through information from passport applications that is shared without legal process or any apparent oversight, according to a letter sent from Sen. Ron Wyden to Secretary of State Antony Blinken and obtained by Yahoo News.

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