World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24


NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

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Greece Legalizes Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ and Adoption of Children – Emily Mangiaracina 2/16/24


Greece on Thursday became the first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex “marriage” and adoption of children.

In a move signaling the widespread departure of the country from its Orthodox Christian roots, Greece’s Parliament approved the landmark legislation with 176 voting in favor and 76 against. Two legislators abstained from the vote, and 46 were not present in the house.

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European Antiwar Protests Gain Strength as NATO’s Ukraine Proxy War Escalates – The Grayzone 2/27/23


Europeans are storming the streets in unprecedented numbers to protest NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine and their own declining living standards. The Grayzone has covered demonstrations and interviewed protest leaders in several countries since the war erupted.

Athens, Greece –– This February 21, several thousand Greeks filled Athens’ streets to denounce NATO and the United States in the wake of Antony Blinken’s Greece visit, where the US Secretary of State applauded the Mediterranean country for being amongst the first European countries to support Ukraine, thus leading to way for “the support of democracy.”

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Digital ID Tyranny is being Rolled Out Across the World – TheExpose 8/9/22


New biometrics identity credentials have been proposed or launched around the world as government digital identity schemes continue to roll out.

Previously we wrote about the program Mastercard launched for retailers to use biometric payment methods, like facial recognition and fingerprint scanning. As of May, the program had already gone live in five grocery stores in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with more trials planned for Asia and the Middle East. Mastercard said it planned to roll it out globally later this year.

But it’s not only private companies dictating we use the technology they’ll use to track, trace and control us. From Australia to the Maldives to Uganda, governments are rolling out the WEF / UN digital IDs to usher in a global digitised police state.  A state which will police every aspect of our lives….

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“A Historic Sham”: Zelensky’s Speech to Greece’s Parliament Sparks National Outrage, Opens WWII-Era Wounds – TheGrayzone 4/20/22


By inviting an Azov fighter to address Greece’s parliament, Zelensky opened the country’s historic wounds and triggered angry demonstrations that have shaken its pro-US government.

“Solidarity with the Ukrainian people is a given. But the Nazis cannot have a say in parliament.” These are the words of Alexis Tsipras, the former PM and leader of Greece’s left-liberal Syriza Party. 

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