The Rapid Decline of Bugs, Bees and Butterflies: An Unusual Suspect – Fariha Husain 7/9/24


The proliferation of wireless communications, which has led to an unprecedented rise in ambient radiofrequency radiation, could be the cause of decreasing insect populations, researchers say.

Scientific literature suggests that the rapid decline of global insect populations may be a blaring indicator of the potentially catastrophic consequences of rising radiofrequency (RF) radiation levels.

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Food Without Farms: Coke, Nestlé, Pepsi Among Ultra-Processed Food Giants Running Global Food Policy – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/2/24


Ultra-processed food producers are key actors in a complex global network of influence groups where they exert disproportionate power on global food policy and nutrition policy, according to a new paper in Agriculture and Human Values.

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Arsonists Run the Fire Department – Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian Hooker 7/1/24


Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires.

These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights, and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more.

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OpenDNS Suspends Service in France Due to Canal+ Piracy Blocking Order – Andy Maxwell 6/29/24


This month, a French court went along with a demand from Canal+ to tighten up previously obtained anti-piracy measures. The court ordered Google, Cloudflare, and Cisco to poison their DNS records to prevent these third-party services acting as workarounds for existing pirate site blockades. Cisco’s response became evident on Friday when it withdrew its OpenDNS service from the entire country….

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The Century of Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy – A Midwestern Doctor 6/23/24


Story at a Glance:

•Natural light is an essential nutrient many of us do not have enough of within our bodies. Because of this, when ultraviolet light is added to the bloodstream, phenomenal health benefits emerge.

•Once ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI) was discovered in the 1930s, it produced miraculous results for patients on the verge of death and was quickly adopted by hospitals throughout America. There, it demonstrated remarkable efficacy for a wide range of diseases, and the doctors who pioneered its use compiled a large body of research.

•To neutralize this competition, the American Medical Association published a small doctored study that “debunked” UVBI, and before long it became a forgotten side of medicine. The Russians and Germans however recognized the value of it, and for decades have produced research showing UBVI’s remarkable utility for a variety of challenging medical conditions both within and outside the hospital. However, in America, UVBI is primarily used by integrative practitioners who need effective tools to treat complex illnesses (e.g., Lyme disease, Chronic fatigue syndrome, spike protein injuries, or migraine disorders).

Continue reading “The Century of Evidence Putting Light Inside the Body Is A Miraculous Therapy – A Midwestern Doctor 6/23/24”

South Korean ISP ‘Infected’ Torrenting Subscribers with Malware – Ernesto Van der Sar 6/25/24


News reports from South Korea, reveal that Internet provider KT actively installed malware on the computers of over half a million subscribers. The malware was intended to interfere with BitTorrent traffic, presumably as a network management solution. A police investigation suggests that cost savings likely played a role too, which is not surprising given local file-sharing habits.

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UK Train Stations Use Amazon-Powered AI to Read People’s Mood – Ken Macon 6/19/24


In the UK, a series of AI trials involving thousands of train passengers who were unwittingly subjected to emotion-detecting software raises profound privacy concerns. The technology, developed by Amazon and employed at various major train stations including London’s Euston and Waterloo, as well as Manchester Piccadilly, used artificial intelligence to scan faces and assess emotional states along with age and gender. Documents obtained by the civil liberties group Big Brother Watch through a freedom of information request unveiled these practices, which might soon influence advertising strategies.

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Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands – Rick Findlay 6/17/24


Delta Chat, a messaging application celebrated for its robust stance on privacy, has yet again rebuffed attempts by Russian authorities to access encryption keys and user data. This defiance is part of the app’s ongoing commitment to user privacy, which was articulated forcefully in a response from Holger Krekel, the CEO of the app’s developer.

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Tornado Cash Developer Sentenced to Prison for the Crime of Writing Privacy Preserving Software the State does not Like – Andrea Togni 6/13/24


On May 14, Alexey Pertsev, one of the lead developers of Tornado Cash (TC), was found guilty of money laundering by a Dutch court and sentenced to sixty-four months in prison. TC is a privacy-preserving protocol developed for the Ethereum blockchain: it allows users to deposit funds in a TC pool and withdraw them to a different address, thus making it impossible for external observers to track financial activity. TC is completely noncustodial, meaning that users are in control of their own money at every step of the process. In other words, developers do not have any technical means to control how individuals interact with the TC smart contracts.

Continue reading “Tornado Cash Developer Sentenced to Prison for the Crime of Writing Privacy Preserving Software the State does not Like – Andrea Togni 6/13/24”

Elon Slams Apple’s Farcical “AI” Launch, Says Will Ban Tim Cook’s “Creepy Spyware” Devices If They Integrate OpenAI – ZeroHedge 6/11/24


In the end, Apple’s 2024 Worldwide Developers Conference proved to be a flop, with the stock sliding 1.9%, its worst WWDC performance since 2010 and the 4th worst in the iPhone era.

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Free Speech Video Platform Odysee Finds New Life with Arweave Integration – Rick Findlay 6/8/24


Forward Research has announced its acquisition of Odysee, a crypto-based censorship-resistant video platform. With this strategic acquisition, Forward Research aims to weave Odysee’s seven million-strong user base into the fabric of the Arweave network, a decentralized data storage solution heralded as the “permaweb.”

Arweave is a decentralized storage network that leverages blockchain technology to create a permanent and immutable data storage solution. Designed to store data permanently, it enables users and developers to pay a one-time fee for perpetual data storage, making it a revolutionary alternative to traditional cloud storage services that require ongoing payments. This innovative approach is aimed at preserving valuable information indefinitely, fostering a sustainable and censorship-resistant web infrastructure….

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Crypto-Libertarian Erik Voorhees Warns Your Chatbot Queries Are Not Safe – ZeroHedge 5/15/24


Crypto-libertarian Erik Voorhees, fresh off his passionate defense of crypto in the ‘Gold vs. Bitcoin’ debate recently hosted by ZeroHedge, spoke with crypto news site Unchained’s Laura Shin and Venice’s COO Teana Baker-Taylor about the alarming honeypots of user search history data on AI chatbot platforms that could potentially be harvested.

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French Government Blocks TikTok to Curb Civil Unrest in New Caledonia – Christina Maas 5/15/24


France has imposed a state of emergency in New Caledonia in response to protests and riots, leading to a ban on TikTok as authorities seek to stabilize the region. The French government has taken these measures to address the unrest that erupted after a contentious vote extending voting rights in the territory’s provincial elections and is the latest example of a government restricting internet access as a means to control citizens.

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Trojan Tomato: A New GMO Is Designed To Infiltrate America’s Gardens – Sina McCullough 5/4/24


As spring gardening approaches, a new contender has entered the fray—the genetically modified (GM) Purple Tomato. Unlike its GM predecessors, the GM Purple Tomato is not destined solely for the fields of commercial agriculture—it has made its debut in the backyards of home gardeners across the United States.

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The Arrest of Samourai Wallet Developers Shows the US Government Hates Privacy and Freedom – Andrea Togni 5/9/24


On April 24, two lead developers of Samourai Wallet (SW), the most-advanced privacy-centric wallet in the bitcoin ecosystem, were arrested and charged with money laundering and money transmitters offenses by order of the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). This is just the latest assault of an escalating war waged by US regulators on financial privacy and freedom.

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Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth Of Power – Zerohedge 5/4/24


Since the beginning of the digital age, most of the world’s internet data has flowed through massive data centers in Northern Virginia. The area is known as “Data Center Alley” because it’s home to the world’s largest concentration of data centers. Some call the area ‘spy country’ because of the number of data centers used by the Central Intelligence Agency and other intelligence agencies.

Given the exponential proliferation of smartphones, streaming services, smart devices, and now generative artificial intelligence, the power demanded by data centers in Northern Virginia will need nuclear reactors worth of power, if not much more, according to utility Dominion Energy.

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The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24


Theories of a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 have largely focused on the presence in the genome of the famous furin cleavage site. Less attention has been paid to other anomalies and, in particular, the presence of the so-called HIV inserts first flagged by the Indian research team Pradhan et al. in late January 2020 and quickly dismissed as untenable conspiracy-mongering.

Continue reading “The Smoking Gun in Wuhan: The German-Chinese Lab and the HIV Inserts – Robert Kogon 4/24/24”

FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits, Hid Info from Public and Courts – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 4/24/24


The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) knew for years that certain popular smartphones exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation when held close to the body, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust (EHT) via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Rather than going public with the testing results, the FCC hid them — even when important lawsuits concerning cellphone radiation’s impact on people’s health were underway.

Continue reading “FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits, Hid Info from Public and Courts – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 4/24/24”

Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that US Intel Agents Tried to Spy on User Messages – Matt Lamb 4/18/24


Federal law enforcement tried to convince a Telegram engineer to change the software so law enforcement could read the messages of its users, the company’s founder told Tucker Carlson during a recent interview.

But he also warned the bigger threat to free expression comes from Google and Apple, which effectively control the use of apps on smartphones.

Continue reading “Telegram Founder Tells Tucker Carlson that US Intel Agents Tried to Spy on User Messages – Matt Lamb 4/18/24”

Trump’s New Streaming Strategy Aims To Reshape Media Landscape With Liberated Content – Rick Findlay 4/17/24


Trump Social’s new streaming service promises a safe haven for content creators sidelined by mainstream media.

The Trump Media & Technology Group revealed its latest venture this week, a streaming TV platform designed to broadcast a spectrum of content, including news and films, that the company believes is often overlooked by mainstream media and Big Tech.

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