Anti-Free Speech Laws Hit New Heights in Italy: Reporter Fined for “Body Shaming” Prime Minister Meloni – Jonathan Turley 7/21/24


I have long been critical of the erosion of free speech in Italy and other Western European countries, including the use of criminal libel laws against critics of the police or government. This week a Milan court has ordered a journalist to pay Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni damages of 5,000 euros ($5,465) for making fun of her in a social media post. Giulia Cortese was also given a suspended fine of 1,200 euros for a joke on X. It is the latest absurd example of the expanding crackdown on free speech….

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What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24


On July 1, 2024, the US detained its most prominent political prisoner; its most obvious political prisoner probably since the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War 2.

On July 1 2024, podcaster, entrepreneur, former Navy officer, and political advisor to President Trump, Stephen K Bannon, “surrendered”, in his words, to authorities, to begin serving four months’ incarceration at Danbury Federal Prison.

Continue reading “What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24”

Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24


In what may be the most aggressive move against press freedom since the Second World War, Germany has banned Compact Magazine and had over 200 police officers raid the office and home of the publisher, Jürgen Elsässer, along with the homes of other employees and financial backers.

At 6:00 a.m., masked German police officers raided the home of Elsässer and confiscated hard drives and assets. The magazine has a large readership in Germany and a Youtube channel with millions of views and over 300,000 subscribers. The website and its social media channels have now been erased from the web.

Continue reading “Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24”

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24


We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.

There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.

Continue reading “The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24”

Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24


Media reports suggest that Trump’s would-be assassin is dead.

That is simply not true. Trump’s assassin is not dead.

The name of Trump’s assassin is the CIA. If it is not the CIA proper, it is some similarly vile governmental entity that operates in the shadows to undermine the interests of the American dinner table.

Trump’s assassin is not dead. They are very much alive.

Continue reading “Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24”

The Attempted Assassination of Trump is not Nearly as Surprising as it Should Be – Jonathan Turley 7/14/24


Below is my column on the assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump. We all watched as the horrific scene unfolded on television. It was a traumatic moment for the entire country, but it was hardly surprising given this age of rage. We are still learning about the suspected shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He was able to use a roof top 130 yards away from the rally for the assassination attempt. He is being described as a registered Republican but donated to a Democratic political organization.

Here is the column:

Continue reading “The Attempted Assassination of Trump is not Nearly as Surprising as it Should Be – Jonathan Turley 7/14/24”

Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Robert W. Malone MD 7/13/24


Musk has confirmed that the following text, as well as the video (above) from Michael Shellenberger, is all true:

The totalitarianism we warned of is happening. The European Union is at this moment forcing big tech companies to secretly engage in mass censorship. Google and Facebook are, apparently, going along with it.

Only Elon Musk’s X, among the major platforms, is resisting.

Continue reading “Big Brother is Watching You; So Where is the Outrage? – Robert W. Malone MD 7/13/24”

Food Without Farms: Coke, Nestlé, Pepsi Among Ultra-Processed Food Giants Running Global Food Policy – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/2/24


Ultra-processed food producers are key actors in a complex global network of influence groups where they exert disproportionate power on global food policy and nutrition policy, according to a new paper in Agriculture and Human Values.

Continue reading “Food Without Farms: Coke, Nestlé, Pepsi Among Ultra-Processed Food Giants Running Global Food Policy – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/2/24”

Arsonists Run the Fire Department – Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian Hooker 7/1/24


Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city Fire Department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires.

These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige, or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights, and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more.

Continue reading “Arsonists Run the Fire Department – Clayton J. Baker, MD and Brian Hooker 7/1/24”

American Pravda: JFK, LBJ, and Our Great National Shame – Ron Unz 6/24/24


Back in 2019 a prominent public figure—whose name is widely known—came to Palo Alto to have a private dinner with me. Apparently he’d become aware of my controversial writings the previous year on the JFK Assassination and in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein revelations, he’d concluded I was probably correct that Israel and its Mossad had likely been heavily responsible for the death of our 35th president. As we discussed the issue that evening, I endorsed elements of his reasoning and explained that the Mossad had also played the central role in the 9/11 Attacks, something that greatly surprised him since he’d apparently never looked into those matters.

Continue reading “American Pravda: JFK, LBJ, and Our Great National Shame – Ron Unz 6/24/24”

The War On Farming Continues: Denmark To Tax Cattle – Martin Armstrong 7/3/24


The globalist cabal needs to control the food supply in order to control the masses. The World Economic Forum proposed ending gardening in general. Every nation is watching their farmland bought in bulk, with places like America seeing land taken away through eminent domain laws. The UK imposed a tax on chickens simply to prevent people from having the ability to source their own food. Now, Denmark is implementing a tax for cow ownership.

Continue reading “The War On Farming Continues: Denmark To Tax Cattle – Martin Armstrong 7/3/24”

Will Biden Share Bannon’s Fate? – Malcom Kyeyune 7/1/24


All eyes are naturally fixed upon Joe Biden in the aftermath of last week’s “debate”. Will he stay in the race or bow out?  Yet there is another, smaller political drama playing out inside the American political system at present, one that is at least tangentially related to the debacle that took place a few days ago.

Continue reading “Will Biden Share Bannon’s Fate? – Malcom Kyeyune 7/1/24”

A Modicum of J6 Justice: Fischer v. United States – Robert W. Malone MD 6/29/24


“We are all grateful to the Supreme Court for standing up for the depoliticized common sense that a person obstructs justice only if he impairs evidence.”

Nicholas Smith- The attorney who argued Fischer before the Supreme Court

Readers of this Substack may recall a prior post that included the brave but bizarre story of Mr. John Strand, who was sentenced to a 32-month prison term for entering the capital on January 06 as a bodyguard for Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD.

Continue reading “A Modicum of J6 Justice: Fischer v. United States – Robert W. Malone MD 6/29/24”

Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 6/24/24


In addition to pressuring social media platforms to censor content during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration also worked with Amazon to suppress books questioning the safety or efficacy of vaccines, according to internal emails obtained through a series of subpoenas, Fox Business reported.

Continue reading “Emails Show Amazon Caved to Pressure From White House to Suppress Books Critical of Vaccines – Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. 6/24/24”

Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24


In a recent article, Reuters confirms what many knew for years, that the United States government and its various departments and agencies have been conducting global disinformation campaigns targeting nations it seeks to undermine, and whose governments it seeks to overthrow.

Continue reading “Reuters Exposes Washington’s Global Disinformation Campaign: The Rest of the Story – Brian Berletic 6/18/24”

The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24


In case you missed the Reuters news story, during 2020 and 2021, the Pentagon used fake social media accounts and bot farms to flood Filipinos with messaging about the ineffectiveness of Chinese PPE and China’s Sinovac (COVID-19) vaccine.

Continue reading “The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24″

Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands – Rick Findlay 6/17/24


Delta Chat, a messaging application celebrated for its robust stance on privacy, has yet again rebuffed attempts by Russian authorities to access encryption keys and user data. This defiance is part of the app’s ongoing commitment to user privacy, which was articulated forcefully in a response from Holger Krekel, the CEO of the app’s developer.

Continue reading “Delta Chat Refuses Russian Government’s Surveillance Demands – Rick Findlay 6/17/24”

Tornado Cash Developer Sentenced to Prison for the Crime of Writing Privacy Preserving Software the State does not Like – Andrea Togni 6/13/24


On May 14, Alexey Pertsev, one of the lead developers of Tornado Cash (TC), was found guilty of money laundering by a Dutch court and sentenced to sixty-four months in prison. TC is a privacy-preserving protocol developed for the Ethereum blockchain: it allows users to deposit funds in a TC pool and withdraw them to a different address, thus making it impossible for external observers to track financial activity. TC is completely noncustodial, meaning that users are in control of their own money at every step of the process. In other words, developers do not have any technical means to control how individuals interact with the TC smart contracts.

Continue reading “Tornado Cash Developer Sentenced to Prison for the Crime of Writing Privacy Preserving Software the State does not Like – Andrea Togni 6/13/24”

The Enemies of Food Freedom – Tracy Thurman 6/10/24


In every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception.

My previous article addressed the ongoing attacks on farmers across the globe. In today’s article, we will look at some of the culprits behind this agenda. For anyone who delved into the entities behind the tyrannical Covid policies, many names on the list below will seem quite familiar.

Continue reading “The Enemies of Food Freedom – Tracy Thurman 6/10/24”

How the Trump Trial Harkens Back to a Dark Period of American Law – Jonathan Turley 6/1/24


Below is a slightly expanded version of my column in the New York Post on the verdict in the Trump trial. The Manhattan case, in my view, was a raw political use of the criminal justice system. It is only the latest example of the use of the justice system for political purposes and harkens back to the Adams Administration at the start of our Republic. I discuss that period in my book, The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage (which is available this month).

Here is the column:

Continue reading “How the Trump Trial Harkens Back to a Dark Period of American Law – Jonathan Turley 6/1/24”

AP Condemns Israeli Raid, Seizure of Broadcast Equipment – Cindy Harper 5/21/24


Israeli authorities conducted a raid on the premises of The Associated Press, based in the southern town of Sderot, where they confiscated broadcasting equipment and a camera on Tuesday. Israeli officials justify their enforcement action, claiming infringements of the country’s recent ban on Al Jazeera, of which the AP is one among thousands of clients.

Continue reading “AP Condemns Israeli Raid, Seizure of Broadcast Equipment – Cindy Harper 5/21/24”