US Signs $23 Billion F-16 Deal with Turkey – Kyle Anzalone 6/13/24


The US has inked a $23 billion deal with Turkey for 40 F-16 warplanes. Washington promised to sell dozens of the advanced fighter jets to Ankara and upgrade scores of Turkish F-16s in exchange for Turkey approving Sweden’s NATO membership.

The AFP reported the deal was signed on Thursday. “The contract was signed and delegations from both sides are negotiating the details,” Turkish defense ministry sources told the outlet. The State Department said last week that it had taken significant steps towards finalizing the deal, which was proof of the deep military relationship between Washington and Ankara. …

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Sweden Introduces Draconian ‘Security Zone’ in Gang Crime Hotspot, Giving Police Indiscriminate Powers to Search Anyone – Thomas Brooke 6/4/24


Swedish police have introduced the first “stop-and-frisk-zone” in the country’s history, giving officers the power to search any individual or vehicle without the need for reasonable suspicion.

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If Sweden Won, Why are Swedish Birth Rates Plummeting? – Robert Kogon 10/18/23


It is chapter and verse nowadays among Covid-19 policy dissidents – or at least those who get amplified the most on X – that “Sweden won:” namely, by bucking the trend and refusing to lock down, taking the initial hit of higher excess mortality at the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic, but ultimately being rewarded by lower excess mortality over the official course of the pandemic as a whole.
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Sweden Turns To Military For Help Amid Daily Shootings, Bombings In Migrant Gangland Chaos – ZeroHedge 9/30/23


Last year Sweden witnessed its highest death toll from shootings on record, at more than 60 killed, with this year on track to possibly surpass that as the country’s gang violence continues spiraling out of control.

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Sweden Dumps Climate Agenda, Scraps Green Energy Targets – Slay News 6/24/23


Sweden has just dealt a severe blow to the globalist climate agenda by scraping its green energy targets.

In a statement announcing the new policy in the Swedish Parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson warned that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system.”

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Another European Country Just Dealt a Devastating Blow to the Transgender Movement – Lifesite News 3/13/23


Norway joins Finland, Sweden, and the UK in denouncing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and ‘sex changes’ surgeries for minors confused about their gender.

The Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board (NHIB) is the latest European body to announce that the so-called “affirmative model of care” for gender dysphoric minors is not supported by evidence and is advising against the use of cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, and “sex change” surgeries for minors. The NHIB recommended that these “treatments” be classified as experimental and noted that the spike in children identifying as transgender is concerning.   “The knowledge base, especially research-based knowledge, for gender confirmation treatment (hormonal and surgical) is insufficient,” the report notes. “Little is known about the long-term effects.” Instead, the NHIB recommends that more data — especially follow-up data — be collected and noted that the current standards endanger children, who cannot consent to the irreversible impacts of these treatments. Media reports indicate that the new recommendations come after families complained about “safety, lack of parental involvement, and lack of follow up for underage patients.”

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