Vatican Bans Latin Mass in Marian Shrine for Thriving Spanish Walking Pilgrimage – Michael Haynes 7/8/24


A thriving traditional pilgrimage in Spain has been prohibited from holding its customary end of pilgrimage traditional Mass in the Marian shrine of Covadonga. 

In a July 6 social media post, organizers announced that the Vatican had intervened to restrict the Our Lady of Christendom traditional-Mass walking pilgrimage, which draws numerous young families despite being only in its fourth year in Spain.

A letter from the pilgrimage organizers stated that “the Archbishopric of Oviedo has informed us that they have received instructions from the Dicastery for Divine Worship indicating the Traditional Latin Mass is not to be celebrated in Covadonga.”…

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Trudeau Repeats Lie that ‘Unmarked Graves’ were Found at Church-Run Residential Schools – Clare Marie Merkowsky 6/20/24


Prime Minster Justin Trudeau has once again falsely stated that “unmarked graves” have been discovered at former residential schools, some of which were run by the Catholic Church.

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The Much-Overlooked Symbolism in Roman Polanski’s “The Ninth Gate” – Vigilant Citizen 6/21/24


When “The Ninth Gate” was released in 1999, critics found the movie pointless. But that’s because they completely missed the point of the movie. Through symbolism, “The Ninth Gate” tells a story of occult initiation while commenting on the elite’s obsession with Satanism. Here’s a look at this much-overlooked movie….

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Pride Month 2024: How Did We Get Here? – Adam Lucas 6/21/24


As my eyes endure another Pride Month, I’m struck by the scope of a movement that barely two election cycles ago was opposed by the majority of Americans. At least once a year, our entire society is covered in more glitter and rainbows than a 7-year-old girl’s birthday party. Recent pushback notwithstanding, Pride is everywhere—in our stores, our schools, our billboards, our churches, and even our crosswalks. It’s treated as a decidedly settled topic. Opposition to the LGBTQ+ agenda is incredibly unpopular and not tolerated in our institutions.

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Dr. Mercola’s Alleged Anti-Catholicism, Partnership with ‘Psychic’ Worries Supporters – LifeSite News 6/18/24


A prominent vaccine skeptic and alternative health advocate has still not addressed concerns about disturbing new interests in his career.

Dr. Joseph Mercola reportedly made anti-Catholic remarks and fired executives he believes are faithful to the Catholic Church earlier this year. According to his sister, Janet Selvig, he now thinks he is “a god” and “the new Jesus.” Comedian and recent Catholic convert Rob Schneider, a Mercola fan, has wondered publicly if the physician has been brainwashed.

A February 14 article in Natural Products Insider (NPI) detailed then-recent business changes and Mercola’s association with a so-called “psychic” who claims to channel an alien entity.

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Pope Francis Faces UN Investigation Over Alleged Illegal Wiretappings in Embezzlement Scandal – Andreas Wailzer and Michael Haynes 6/17/24


Pope Francis faces a U.N. investigation for allegedly authorizing illegal wiretappings of phones during the Vatican embezzlement trial linked to the sale of luxury London real estate.

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The True Meaning of the Inverted Cross and Why Mass Media Lies About It – Vigilant Citizen 6/13/24


The inverted cross has been appearing across popular culture, and the likes of Melinda Gates and Megan Markle even wore it as pendants. Every time people notice this powerful symbol, mass media unleashes its “fact-checkers” to claim that the inverted cross is not Satanic and that it is actually Christian. Here’s why this is a blatant lie….

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Trudeau Again says Nothing After Another Church Suspiciously Burns to the Ground in Canada – Jonathon Van Maren 6/11/24


In December 2015, I attended a concert at St. Anne’s Anglican Church in Toronto. It featured a selection of Vivaldi’s sacred music titled “Beatus vir”—the first words in the Latin Vulgate Bible of both Psalm 1 and Psalm 112 — and it was the first time the selection had been performed outside of Europe. The orchestra and choir were breathtaking, especially in the historic church that featured stunning murals painted by members of the Group of Seven on the dome — the only religious art the renowned artists ever produced.

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Nihilism Strikes with a Vengeance – Bert Olivier 6/7/24


We live in what is probably the most nihilistic era in the history of humankind. Most English-speaking people have probably heard the term, ‘nihilism,’ but I’m willing to bet that not many know its precise meaning. The term comes from the Latin for ‘nothing,’ to wit, ‘nihil,’ so that nihilism would literally mean ‘a belief in nothing.’

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Episcopalians’ New ‘Pride’ Emblem Shows how LGBT Ideology has Overtaken their Religion – Doug Mainwaring 5/29/24


The Episcopal church has unveiled its new “pride shield” in “celebration of LGBTQ+ inclusion,” deforming its long-held emblem whose red, white, and blue colors are intended to represent the sacrifice of Christ and Christian martyrs, the “purity of the Christian faith,” and the humanity of Christ received from the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

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Warsaw Mayor Orders Removal of Crucifix, Use of Transgender ‘Pronouns’ at City Hall – Andreas Wailzer 5/17/24


The mayor of Warsaw ordered the removal of religious symbols, i.e., crosses and crucifixes, from City Hall while urging employees to use transgender “pronouns” and respect same-sex relationships.

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Netanyahu’s Response to the ICC Invokes Another Genocidal Biblical Reference – Jonathan Ofir 5/21/24


Netanyahu’s rant against the ICC quoted a biblical verse that warns against the dangers of not completely wiping out your enemy’s society. It doesn’t take much to figure out what this means for Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza.

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Catholic Priest: ‘Synodality’ Aims to Destroy the Church by ‘Restructuring’ it into an NGO – Fr. Joachim Heimerl 5/16/24


This essay by Father Joachim Heimerl was originally written in German. It has been translated and published with the permission of Fr. Heimerl.

Someone recently asked me: “Excuse me, Father, what is synodality?”

I admit: I was surprised. After all, we think that nowadays everything revolves around “synodality,” but in fact, the term doesn’t seem to have reached the faithful; it only exists in the bubble of church bureaucrats.

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Pope Francis Calls for ‘Global Financial Charter’ at Vatican Climate Change Conference – Michael Haynes 5/16/24


Addressing a Vatican-hosted climate change conference, Pope Francis called for a “new global financial charter” by 2025 that would be centered on climate change and “ecological debt.”

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“American Horror Story: Delicate” and its Messages About Hollywood’s Occult Underbelly – Vigilant Citizen 5/3/24


Starring Emma Roberts and Kim Kardashian, American Horror Story’s 12th season turns the joys of motherhood into an absolute nightmare. More importantly, it reveals, with very little subtlety, the dark forces at play in the entertainment industry, including Satanic Ritual Abuse and suspicious celebrity deaths disguised as accidents….

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United Methodist Church Votes to Divest from Israel Bonds – United Methodists for Kairos Response 5/2/24


In the first such divestment action by a major Christian denomination, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church has voted to divest from Israel bonds, and those of other countries carrying out prolonged military occupations.

On April 30, 2024, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church, being held in Charlotte, North Carolina, made a groundbreaking call for church investment managers to exclude the bonds of three countries – Israel, Turkey, and Morocco – that are holding subject populations under prolonged military occupation.

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Catholic Investigative Reporter Explains why he’s Exposing Freemasonry, Bohemian Grove – Stephen Kokx 4/8/24


Kyle Clifton is an investigative journalist who has released multiple explosive videos uncovering Freemasonic rituals over the last several months. He says he has received threatening messages for doing so.

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Catholic Priest in Switzerland Faces ‘Hate Crime’ Trial Over Article Criticizing Homosexual Clergy – Andreas Wailzer 4/10/24


Catholic priest and theology professor Father Manfred Hauke has to stand trial at a criminal court in Switzerland for publishing an article critical of homosexual clergy. reports that the trial against Hauke started on Monday at the criminal court in Bellinzona, Switzerland. The court case was triggered after the German priest appealed a fine that he received in December 2022.

Continue reading “Catholic Priest in Switzerland Faces ‘Hate Crime’ Trial Over Article Criticizing Homosexual Clergy – Andreas Wailzer 4/10/24”