Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24


In what may be the most aggressive move against press freedom since the Second World War, Germany has banned Compact Magazine and had over 200 police officers raid the office and home of the publisher, Jürgen Elsässer, along with the homes of other employees and financial backers.

At 6:00 a.m., masked German police officers raided the home of Elsässer and confiscated hard drives and assets. The magazine has a large readership in Germany and a Youtube channel with millions of views and over 300,000 subscribers. The website and its social media channels have now been erased from the web.

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World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24


NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

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Trump’s Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented – Andrew Korybko 7/3/24


Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that was written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra in February 2023 for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America. Titled “Pivoting the US Away from Europe to a Dormant NATO”, it details how the US can get the EU to defend Europe while the US focuses on containing China in Asia.

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“Zero Tolerance”: Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing – ZeroHedge 6/9/24


In response to last weekend’s terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead – and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit increases in crime among non-Germans), Chancellor Olaf Scholz – a leftwing social democrat, announced a new ‘zero tolerance’ program which will deport criminal migrants or those “who venerate them.”

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Hyperinflation and the Destruction of Human Personality – Joseph T. Salerno 5/30/24


The Link between Economic Calculation and Human Personality

Economists and historians have clearly shown that the destruction of the value and function of money by hyperinflation makes economic calculation impossible and leads to economic and social disintegration and widespread poverty. What is not so clearly understood, even by many economists, is that during periods of rapid inflation, the inability to economically calculate undermines the very nature of property and causes a withering of the human personality, which is intimately connected with property ownership. By eliminating the means of appraising and rationally allocating one’s property, hyperinflation eliminates the very basis of independent human existence and personality under a system of social cooperation. The inevitable result is the dissolution of the society of voluntary contract and its replacement by a hegemonic order in which property and personality are collectivized.

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The Machinery of Fascism Revisited – Jeffrey A. Tucker 5/5/24


Fascism became a swear word in the US and UK during the Second World War. It has been ever since, to the point that the content of the term has been drained away completely. It is not a system of political economy but an insult.

If we go back a decade before the war, you find a completely different situation. Read any writings from polite society from 1932 to 1940 or so, and you find a consensus that freedom and democracy, along with Enlightenment-style liberalism of the 18th century, were completely doomed. They should be replaced by some version of what was called the planned society, of which fascism was one option.

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Police Raid Berlin Conference as Repression of Palestine Activism Escalates in Germany – Abir Kopty 4/13/24


Berlin police raided and cut off electricity to the Palestinian Congress conference before banning the three-day event. Organizers say Germany’s antidemocratic authoritarian response to Palestine activism is growing by the day.

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German Corona Policy Political Crisis – Robert W. Malone MD 4/1/24


Release of heavily redacted German government documents obtained under court order by the German alternative media magazine “Multipolar” are shaking up German politics on the eve of the critical 2024 European Parliament election in Germany, which is scheduled to be held on 9 June 2024. The documents reveal COVIDcrisis policy interactions and deference by Robert Koch Institute (RKI) public health scientists to unnamed politicians. The over 1,000 pages of these German language redacted documents can currently be downloaded from this website.

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Missiles for Ukraine? Bizarre German War Propaganda on Children’s Channel Features Talking Weapons – John Cody 3/7/24


Currently, there is a fierce debate raging in Germany about whether the country should supply long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, with the national children’s channel KIKA now wading into the debate in a clip that is being slammed by critics.

KIKA, which is run by public media giants ARD and ZDF, both funded by German taxpayers, ran a segment entitled “No TAURUS for Ukraine” featured on the children’s news program “Logo!”

The segment chides Chancellor Olaf Scholz for not sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine while using crude language in the 54-second clip.

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Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge – ZeroHedge 3/3/24


In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia’s state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials.

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The West’s Defunding Of UNRWA Has Nothing To Do With Oct 7 – Robert Inlakesh 1/29/24

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is responsible for aiding the Palestinian refugee population and is especially vital to the people of Gaza — now suffering an Israeli imposed famine — has suddenly been defunded by Western nations. The move to withdraw funding comes as an immediate response to Israel’s allegation that employees of the agency were involved in the Hamas-led October 7 attack. However, it is clear that Israel’s claims are disingenuous.

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Europe Erupts In Widespread Farmer Protests As Revolt Against ‘Green’ Policies Intensifies – ZeroHedge 1/31/24


Farmers in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Belgium, Romania, and other countries across Europe are protesting radical leftist governments by obstructing major transport networks with tractors. This widespread populist movement is sweeping Europe at a time when over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda threaten the livelihoods of not just farmers but working-class people and comes several months before the European election cycle kicks off in June.

Some countries hit hardest by protests have been Germany, Italy, Belgium, and France. Protests are expected to spread to Spain and Portugal.

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Tens of Thousands of German Farmers Protest Left-Wing Government Policies, Block Highways – Andreas Wailzer 1/8/24


Tens of thousands of protestors have taken to the streets all over Germany, temporarily blocking streets and highways during the large-scale farmers’ protests in response to the government’s plan to cut subsidies. 

On January 8, the first day of a week-long protest that will culminate in a large demonstration in Berlin on January 15, around 19,000 tractors took part in protests in Bavaria, and 25,000 vehicles showed up in Baden-Württemberg, according to German newspaper Bild. 

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The Balfour Declaration and 116,000 American Lives – Ron Unz 11/20/23


I’d recently mentioned that although I’ve encountered a multitude of so-called “conspiracy theories” on the Internet over the years, I’ve concluded that around 90-95% of them were false or at least unsubstantiated. However, the residual 5-10% were sufficiently well-documented and important that they had served as the basis for the lengthy American Pravda series I’d produced over the last decade, now numbering many dozens of articles and totaling well over a half-million words.

Unfortunately, the vast profusion of exciting but incorrect theories can often lead people astray. Sometimes a mainstream individual is so shocked to discover the reality of one or two stories he’d always seen dismissed by the media that he loses his bearings and begins carelessly swallowing many others as well, failing to properly separate the wheat from the chaff.

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American Pravda: Israel, Gaza, and Broader Issues – Ron Unz 10/23/23


A couple of weeks ago, the smoldering political landscape of the Middle East suddenly exploded as the Hamas militants of Gaza launched a surprise attack against Israel, unprecedented in its size and success. News reports now place Israeli fatalities at around 1,400, more deaths in a single day than the country had ever suffered in any of its previous wars, and greater losses than in all of those conflicts combined since 1973, while as many as 200 Israelis were captured and taken back to Gaza as prisoners and hostages.

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Nord Stream 2.0? Finland-Estonia Undersea Pipeline In Baltic “Has Been Deliberately Damaged” – ZeroHedge 10/10/23


Months after famed journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh revealed the US blew up the Russia-to-Germany natural gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea in September 2022 during a covert operation under the guise of the BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise, yet another undersea gas pipeline, this time, connecting Finland and Estonia has allegedly come under attack.

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Germany Passes Controversial Green Heating Law Estimated to Cost Economy €1 Trillion – Junge Freiheit 9/11/23


After six months of fierce debate, Germany’s left-wing government has passed the country’s controversial green heating law, the Building Energy Act (GEG), with high estimates indicating the law will cost Germany’s economy over €1 trillion over the next 20 years.

While politicians belonging to Germany’s three-way politician applauded the heating law coming into force on Friday last week, the political fallout has likely yet to be fully realized.

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Germany To More Than Triple Ammunition Purchases After Stockpile Depleted Through Ukraine ‘Gifts’ – ZeroHedge 9/7/23


Amid the broader problem of Ukrainian frontlines not advancing against superior Russian artillery and vast mine fields, Europe has been scrambling to boost its military support to Kiev. But now the problem of Europe’s own diminishing defense supplies is being felt more than ever, as many predicted.

On Wednesday German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius said his country plans to drastically ramp up purchases of ammunition in 2024, in an effort to replenish Germany’s own stocks which were depleted by donations to Ukraine.

“We aim to more than triple our spending on ammunition purchases in 2024,” he said in a speech before parliament, but without revealing further details….

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German Courts Are Going Full Dystopia – Kit Knightly 8/23/23


It’s been an astonishing couple of days for German judges. Well, “astonishing” if you’ve been living in a cave for the last four years.

Many of you likely already know that satirist and playwright (and frequent OffG contributor) CJ Hopkins is being prosecuted in Germany for “disseminating propaganda, the contents of which are intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,”

All because the cover of his book has a swastika on it.

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Germany: New 128-Apartment Social Housing Complex Exclusively Reserved for Asylum Seekers in Berlin – Thomas Brooke 8/1/23


A Berlin housing association is scheduled to complete its latest block of social housing apartment buildings in the German capital next spring, but they are currently reserved exclusively for use by asylum seekers, it has emerged.

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This 2023 Berlin Fashion Show Was All About Mocking Christianity in the Trashiest Way Possible – VigilantCitizen 7/26/23


During the 2023 Berlin Fashion Week, the brand Namilia presented its collection titled “In Loving Memory of My Sugar Daddy”. It was a trashy, blasphemous mess with all kinds of messages that can only be described as degenerate. Here’s how this so-called “rebellious” fashion show is, in fact, perfectly in line with the elite’s sick agenda….

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Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine – Ron Unz and Mike Whitney 7/17/23


Question 1: Hitler

In the West, we’re taught that Hitler is the embodiment of all evil, but it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it? The more I read about Hitler, the more convinced I am that his views about the Versailles Treaty were fairly commonplace among Germans living at the time. It seems to me that if Hitler hadn’t emerged as the leader who promised to restore Germany (to its original borders), someone else would have taken his place. The real problem was the injustice of the treaty itself which exacted reparations that could not be repaid along with the partitioning of the German state. It was the onerous settlement of Versailles that ensured there would be Second World War not Hitler.

Continue reading “Hitler, Churchill, the Holocaust, and the War in Ukraine – Ron Unz and Mike Whitney 7/17/23”