Ben-Gvir Endorses Trump, Says He’s More Likely to Back War on Iran – Brett Wilkins 7/24/24


Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir endorsed former U.S. President Donald Trump—the 2024 Republican nominee—for the White House in an interview published Wednesday in which he accused the Biden administration of preventing Israel from winning its war on Gaza.

“I believe that with Trump, Israel will receive the backing to act against Iran,” Ben-Gvir, who heads the far-right Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party, toldBloomberg. “With Trump, it will be clearer that enemies must be defeated.”

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Arab League Suddenly Revokes Hezbollah’s Terrorist Designation – ZeroHedge 7/1/24


While some Western countries have ramped up sanctions against Hezbollah amid daily missile fire on northern Israel, the Arab League has issued a surprise reversal of its terror designation.

The influential regional organization, which is akin to an ‘Arab UN’ will no longer classify the Tehran-backed group as a terrorist organization, Egypt’s Al-Qahera news channel first reported.

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Iran Threatens Israel With ‘Obliterating War’ If It Attacks Lebanon – ZeroHedge 6/29/24


Iran’s mission to the United Nations has put Israel and the world on notice, saying that if Israel launches an all-out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon the whole region will burn.

A Friday statement from Iran’s ambassador warned the UN that any “full-scale military aggression” in Lebanon against Hezbollah will mean that “an obliterating war will ensue.”

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Israeli Warplanes Strike Damascus As Iran Tensions Still On Edge – ZeroHedge 5/2/24


Israeli aircraft have reportedly attacked a location on the outskirts of the Syrian capital of Damascus late Thursday (local), a security source told Reuters.

Widely circulating images have emerged on social media showing plumes of smoke rising high over buildings which were struck. Syrian state media subsequently said that eight army soldiers were injured in the attack.

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‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 193: Israel ‘Considers’ Strike Against Iran, Continues to Deny Entry of Aid into Gaza – Qassam Muaddi 4/16/24


Israel says it is considering a strike against Iran “that would not lead to a war” as it continues to restrict aid access to the Strip. Meanwhile, settlers in the West Bank escalated attacks against villages, killing two Palestinians.


  • 33,843 + killed* and at least 76,575 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
  • 462+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.**
  • Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139.
  • 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.***

Continue reading “‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 193: Israel ‘Considers’ Strike Against Iran, Continues to Deny Entry of Aid into Gaza – Qassam Muaddi 4/16/24”

Iran has launched Drone Attacks at Israel, U.S. Officials Say – Rebecca Picciotto 4/13/24


Iran on Saturday launched attacks against Israel, according to U.S. officials, escalating long-standing tensions between the two nations that have the potential to trigger a regional war.

“Iran has begun an airborne attack against Israel,” National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a Saturday statement. “The United States will stand with the people of Israel and support their defense against these threats from Iran.”

Continue reading “Iran has launched Drone Attacks at Israel, U.S. Officials Say – Rebecca Picciotto 4/13/24”

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 189: Israel and U.S. Brace for Iranian Retaliation as Ceasefire Talks Stall – Qassam Muaddi 4/12/24


The U.S. and Israel intensify preparations for a potential Iranian strike in response to Iran’s Damascus consulate attack. Meanwhile, Hamas has conditioned a ceasefire and prisoner swap on the return of displaced Palestinians to northern Gaza.


  • 33,634 + killed* and at least 76,214 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
  • 462+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.**
  • Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139.
  • 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.***

Continue reading “‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 189: Israel and U.S. Brace for Iranian Retaliation as Ceasefire Talks Stall – Qassam Muaddi 4/12/24”

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 188: Tensions Rise Over Potential Iranian Response to Israeli Attack on Consulate in Damascus – Qassam Muaddi 4/11/24


Israel and Iran escalated threats of war as the U.S. central command chief visited the region on Thursday. Meanwhile, Israeli airstrikes intensify in the central Gaza Strip.


  • 33,545 + killed* and at least 76,049 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
  • 456+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem.**
  • Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,139.
  • 604 Israeli soldiers have been killed since October 7, and at least 6,800 injured.***

Continue reading “‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 188: Tensions Rise Over Potential Iranian Response to Israeli Attack on Consulate in Damascus – Qassam Muaddi 4/11/24”

Israel is Crossing All Boundaries as America Tires of its Endless Wars – Daniel McAdams 4/10/24


Last week the Israelis scored a bloody “hat trick” – slaughtering seven international food aid workers, demolishing the last major hospital operating in Gaza, and – perhaps most dangerous – attacking an Iranian diplomatic facility in Damascus, Syria, in which several senior Iranian military figures were killed.

There is a very good reason diplomatic facilities are off limits even in times of war. It has been mutually beneficial for thousands of years for all parties to know that they may continue to communicate and conduct diplomacy even during crises and war with messengers and diplomats able to fulfil their duties unmolested. Attacks on diplomatic facilities are so rare that when they do occur even the most apology-averse regimes find themselves obligated to break out the ashes and sackcloth. When the US bombed the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, for example, there were moments when a US war with China was suddenly not beyond imagination. It was extremely tense – until the US government offered profuse apologies and compensation to the families of the victims.

Continue reading “Israel is Crossing All Boundaries as America Tires of its Endless Wars – Daniel McAdams 4/10/24”

Netanyahu Killed an Iranian General in Damascus to Provoke a Regional Conflict; and the U.S. Media is Covering Up for Him. – James North 4/4/24


Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience.

Benjamin Netanyahu continues to raise the risk of a Mideast regional war which could draw in the U.S. — and the mainstream media is hiding the danger from its audience. Israel’s provocative aerial assassination of a senior Iranian military leader in Damascus on April 1 is only Netanyahu’s latest effort to expand the fighting across the region, partly to put off his own painful day of reckoning. He knows that America has troops stationed all over the Mideast, and he hopes that Iran will retaliate against them, escalating conflict.

Continue reading “Netanyahu Killed an Iranian General in Damascus to Provoke a Regional Conflict; and the U.S. Media is Covering Up for Him. – James North 4/4/24”

Israel Mounts Largest Attack On Syria In Years, Over 40 Dead – ZeroHedge 3/29/24


On Friday Israel conducted its deadliest strikes on Syria in months, or perhaps even years, given the immense death toll is mounting into several dozens killed amid a large emergency response to the scene.

The airstrikes were conducted deep into Syria, in northern Syria’s Aleppo province, and left over 40 people dead. This reportedly included Syrian soldiers, Hezbollah militants, and civilians. Most international reports are saying 42 were killed, but the Syrian government did not initially give a precise casualty count.

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Who is the Antiwar Candidate? – Philip Giraldi 1/25/24


I sometimes wonder what the Founders, if they could return to life and see their creation, would think of today’s American Republic. President George W. Bush described the Constitution of the United States as “just a goddamned piece of paper” before he went on a rampage all over the world in what he called the “war on terror.” Of course, he had probably never even read the Constitution or the Federalist Papers and therefore did not understand how the Founders had deliberately made it difficult to go to war, which they regarded as the greatest evil confronting the new nation. Bush proceeded to push through other unconstitutional legislation including the so-called Patriot Act which empowered him to kill some hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings in places like Afghanistan and Iraq without declaring war on anyone after having produced fabricated information to justify the brutality.

Continue reading “Who is the Antiwar Candidate? – Philip Giraldi 1/25/24”

Tucker Carlson: Biden Admin Set Up US Soldiers ‘to be Killed’ as Pretense for War with Iran – Patrick Delaney 1/31/24


Due to a decades-long desire by Israeli leaders and U.S. neoconservatives to initiate war with Iran, American troops were left in a vulnerable position “as bait,” “to be killed” in order to create a pretense for war, according to Tucker Carlson and his guest, Washington state congressional candidate Joe Kent.

Kent’s campaign website states he is a veteran of U.S. Special Forces with experience both as a CIA field operative and policy adviser to former President Donald Trump.

Continue reading “Tucker Carlson: Biden Admin Set Up US Soldiers ‘to be Killed’ as Pretense for War with Iran – Patrick Delaney 1/31/24”

How Yemen Changed Everything – Pepe Escobar 12/28/23


Whether invented in northern India, eastern China or Central Asia – from Persia to Turkestan – chess is an Asian game. In chess, there always comes a time when a simple pawn is able to upset the whole chessboard, usually via a move in the back rank whose effect simply cannot be calculated.

Yes, a pawn can impose a seismic checkmate. That’s where we are, geopolitically, right now.

The cascading effects of a single move on the chessboard – Yemen’s Ansarallah stunning and carefully targeted blockade of the Red Sea – reach way beyond global shipping, supply chains, and The War of Economic Corridors. Not to mention the reduction of the much lauded US Navy force projection to irrelevancy…….

Read More…

Israel is Provoking the U.S. into a Conflict with Iran, but the Media Ignores the Danger – James North 12/30/23


In addition to killing thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel has been routinely attacking at least four other nations in the region: Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon. Why does the U.S. media keep the American public in the dark?

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A Delusional Recipe for Armageddon – Matthew Ehret 12/5/23


In 1996, a nest of American-born imperialists revolving around Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle created a new think tank called “The Project for a New American Century.”

While the principled aim of the think tank ultimately hinged on a new “Pearl Harbor moment” that would justify a new era of regime-change wars in the Middle East, a secondary but equally important part of the formula involved the dominance of “Greater Israel” Likud fanatics then taking power over the murdered body of Yitzhak Rabin.

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Why Does the US Support Israel? – Michael Hudson 11/13/23


BEN NORTON: Why does the United States so strongly support Israel?

In this video today, I’m going to be explaining the geopolitical and economic reasons why Israel is such an important part of U.S. foreign policy and Washington’s attempt to dominate not only the region of the Middle East, but really the entire world.

For this analysis today, I had the privilege of being joined by the economist Michael Hudson. I will bring him in later to provide further details about this topic. But first, I want to highlight some very important basic context to understand this relationship.

It is crucial to stress that Israel is an extension of U.S. geopolitical power in one of the most critically important regions of the world.

Continue reading “Why Does the US Support Israel? – Michael Hudson 11/13/23”

Israel’s Other War: Ethnic Cleansing in the South Caucasus – James Carden 11/16/23


Over the past month, legacy and social media have been saturated with reports of the Netanyahu regime’s war on Gaza, which is being met with growing calls from the international community to invoke the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Continue reading “Israel’s Other War: Ethnic Cleansing in the South Caucasus – James Carden 11/16/23”

The Israeli-Hamas Conflict Is A Continuation of the 9/11 Plot – Paul Craig Roberts 10/30/23


This is not a conspiracy theory.  It is the most likely explanation we have of the information at this time.

The Hamas October 7 attack on Israel was the opening gun of a plot devised by US neoconservatives and Netanyahu to renew the US attack on Hezbollah’s suppliers in behalf of Greater Israel.  Greater Israel is a Zionist belief that Israel comprises the territory from the Nile in Egypt to the Euphrates in Iraq. The purpose of 9/11 was to launch under the guise of a “war on terror” the wars that the American neoconservatives had called for in their publications and that General Wesley Clark told us about against Israel’s enemies in the Middle East.  The purpose of Washington’s “war on terror” was to destroy Hezbollah’s suppliers–Iraq, Syria and Iran.  Israel and the neoconservatives want these three countries destroyed because they supply Hezbollah with money and weapons that permits Hezbollah to successfully repeal Israel’s attempts to occupy southern Lebanon.  Israel needs the water resources in southern Lebanon.  With the Iraq, Syrian, and Iranian regimes destroyed, avenues are opened to Greater Israel.

Continue reading “The Israeli-Hamas Conflict Is A Continuation of the 9/11 Plot – Paul Craig Roberts 10/30/23”

U.S. Quietly Pushes Ahead Secret Military Base in Israel, Near Gaza – Ken Klippenstein and Daniel Boguslaw 10/27/23


Two months before Hamas attacked Israel, the Pentagon awarded a multimillion-dollar contract to build U.S. troop facilities for a secret base it maintains deep within Israel’s Negev desert, just 20 miles from Gaza. Code-named “Site 512,” the longstanding U.S. base is a radar facility that monitors the skies for missile attacks on Israel.

Continue reading “U.S. Quietly Pushes Ahead Secret Military Base in Israel, Near Gaza – Ken Klippenstein and Daniel Boguslaw 10/27/23”