Western Yemen Comes Under Heavy Attack by US-British Warplanes – The Cradle 7/12/24

Source: TheCradle.co

US and UK warplanes launched several airstrikes on Hodeidah International Airport in western Yemen on 12 July.

“US–British aircraft targeted Hodeidah International Airport with three raids,” a security source told Yemen’s SABA news agency.

The renewed attacks came after several US–UK attacks on Yemen on Thursday. “American and British fighter jets launched five raids on various Ansarallah sites in the Ras Issa area, which includes an oil berth affiliated with the port of Al-Salif, north of Hodeidah,” a local source in the western Hodeidah province told Sputnik on 11 July….

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Houthis Report 16 Dead In Biggest Joint US-UK Airstrikes Since Gaza War Began – ZeroHedge 5/31/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

Early on Friday Yemen’s Houthis announced what appears to be the biggest mass casualty attack by the Western coalition since Red Sea hostilities began in the wake of Oct.7.

The joint British-U.S. airstrikes happened Thursday, and killed at least 16 people and wounded 35 others, according to Houthis statement. “We confirm this brutal aggression against Yemen as punishment for its position in support of Gaza, in support of Israel to continue its crimes of genocide against the wounded, besieged and steadfast Gaza Strip,” Houthi spokesman Mohammed Abdulsalam said.

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US Coalition Has Attacked Nearly 40 Houthi Sites In Yemen This Weekend – ZeroHedge 2/4/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

On Sunday the Pentagon said its forces again struck an anti-ship cruise missile launch position in Yemen. A US Central Command (CENTCOM) statement said the operation was conducted in “self defense” against a Houthi cruise missile “prepared to launch against ships in the Red Sea” at 4 a.m. local time on Sunday.

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Who is the Antiwar Candidate? – Philip Giraldi 1/25/24

Source: Unz.com

I sometimes wonder what the Founders, if they could return to life and see their creation, would think of today’s American Republic. President George W. Bush described the Constitution of the United States as “just a goddamned piece of paper” before he went on a rampage all over the world in what he called the “war on terror.” Of course, he had probably never even read the Constitution or the Federalist Papers and therefore did not understand how the Founders had deliberately made it difficult to go to war, which they regarded as the greatest evil confronting the new nation. Bush proceeded to push through other unconstitutional legislation including the so-called Patriot Act which empowered him to kill some hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings in places like Afghanistan and Iraq without declaring war on anyone after having produced fabricated information to justify the brutality.

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US-British Attacks on Yemen a Portent for Wider War – Brian Berletic 1/16/24

Source: Journal-Neo.su

In the opening weeks of 2024, the US and British unilaterally launched several large-scale missile and air strikes on targets in territory held by Ansar Allah (referred to as the “Houthis” across the Western media) in Yemen.

The strikes follow a campaign of missile strikes and boardings conducted by Ansar Allah against commercial shipping destined to and from Israel in response to Israel’s ongoing punitive operations in Gaza.

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Congress Asleep as Biden Makes War on Yemen – Ron Paul 1/15/24

Source: RonPaulInstitute.org

Late last week President Biden started a new US war on the tiny country of Yemen. US warships and fighter jets launched more than a hundred missiles at the country in a massive escalation that the Administration bizarrely claimed would “de-escalate” tensions in the Red Sea.

Taking the US to war without a Congressional declaration of war is a grave crime against the Constitution. Not only did Biden show no interest in coming to Congress for a war declaration, he didn’t even ask for authorization. Together with Washington’s reliable junior partner in war, the UK, Biden attacked Yemen. It seems the US Administration consulted more with the UK government than with the US Congress on the attacks.

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‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 106: Israel Bombs Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, U.S. Bombs Yemen – Mondoweiss 1/20/24

Source: Mondoweiss.net

Biden insists Netanyahu is open to a two-state solution, despite Netanyahu stating the opposite. Meanwhile, a Palestinian-American teenager was killed by Israelis in the West Bank, and the UN estimates two mothers are killed in Gaza every hour.


  • 24,927 killed* and at least 62,388 wounded in the Gaza Strip.
  • 369 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem
  • Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,147.
  • 550 Israeli soldiers killed since October 7, including 194 since the beginning of the ground invasion, and at least 3,221 injured.**

Continue reading “‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 106: Israel Bombs Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, U.S. Bombs Yemen – Mondoweiss 1/20/24”

There is no U.S. Interest in Backing a Genocide and Bombing Yemen – Philip Weiss 1/13/24

Source: Mondoweiss.net

One of the central claims of Israel’s advocates is that supporting Israel is in the U.S. interest. There can be no greater farce today, when our country has bombed yet another Arab country to support Israel’s war on Gaza, and people are burning the American flag at demonstrations.

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How Yemen Changed Everything – Pepe Escobar 12/28/23

Source: New.TheCradle.co

Whether invented in northern India, eastern China or Central Asia – from Persia to Turkestan – chess is an Asian game. In chess, there always comes a time when a simple pawn is able to upset the whole chessboard, usually via a move in the back rank whose effect simply cannot be calculated.

Yes, a pawn can impose a seismic checkmate. That’s where we are, geopolitically, right now.

The cascading effects of a single move on the chessboard – Yemen’s Ansarallah stunning and carefully targeted blockade of the Red Sea – reach way beyond global shipping, supply chains, and The War of Economic Corridors. Not to mention the reduction of the much lauded US Navy force projection to irrelevancy…….

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Israel is Provoking the U.S. into a Conflict with Iran, but the Media Ignores the Danger – James North 12/30/23

Source: Mondoweiss.net

In addition to killing thousands of Palestinians in Gaza, Israel has been routinely attacking at least four other nations in the region: Iran, Yemen, Syria, and Lebanon. Why does the U.S. media keep the American public in the dark?

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The Arabs Are Reunited And Israel Is Out – Moon Of Alabama 5/19/23

Source: MoonOfAlabama.org

Just ten weeks ago I was in awe. “This is huge!” I wrote about the surprising news of the restoration of ties between Saudi Arabia and Iran after mediation by China (and Russia).

With that it was obvious that the conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen between Iran friendly and Saudi sponsored forces would be coming to an end. But no one predicted the speed with which that is now happening.

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Too Hungry to Weep: The Tragedy of Yemen’s Starving Children – CNN 3/2/23

Source: CNN.com

“We are born dead” is graffitied, in English, on a wall across from the razor-wire sewn bulwark of the United Nations compound in northern Yemen. It is a distillation of the suffering of generational war; a plea from the abandoned and discarded.

I recently returned, through my involvement with the humanitarian organization War Child, from the northern reaches of Yemen’s Houthi regions. Access is virtually impossible for Americans (especially journalists) and took months of fraught negotiations. Not surprising, as American fingerprints are easily found on this crisis. US military support for Saudi Arabia, an integral player in the conflict, has been constant since its inception seven years ago.

During that stretch, a Saudi-led coalition has tried with little success to crush the Iran-backed Houthi insurgency in a conflict replete with potential war crimes. The effects of the war have been devastating.

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US Airstrike Against al-Qaeda Reported in Yemen – Antiwar 3/1/23

Source: AntiWar.com

A suspected US airstrike hit Yemen’s Maarib province, AFP reported Wednesday, citing sources in the Saudi-backed Yemeni government.

The sources claimed the strike hit a house in Maarib and killed a senior leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), Hamad bin Hamoud al-Tamimi, and his Yemeni bodyguard.

The sources said Tamimi, also known as Abdel Aziz al-Adnani, was a Saudi and worked as a “judge” in AQAP and headed the group’s leadership council. They said Tamimi recently rented the house that was targeted in the strike….

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The US/UK Are Hindering The Peace Effort In Yemen Despite Hopeful Saudi Comments – RobertInlakesh 1/23/23

Source: TheLastAmericanVagabond.com

Despite the hopeful comments of Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, at a World Economic Forum panel in Davos, the war in Yemen threatens to explode with violence at any moment after a long pause in hostilities. At the centre of prolonging the conflict are Britain and the US, both of which continue to back non-starter positions in backchannel talks to reach a new ceasefire.

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Oxfam Finds Scores of Civilians Killed By US, UK Weapons in Yemen – LibertarianInstitute 1/12/23

Source: libertarianinstitute.org

A human rights monitoring group has released a new report finding at least 87 Yemeni civilians were killed with American or British weapons during a 14-month period. The Oxfam report reviewed 1,700 attacks on civilians and found Saudi Arabia used US or UK weapons in over a quarter of those incidents.

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