GovTrack and Media Deletion of Harris’ Record Sparks Transparency Debates, Allegations of Censorship – Cindy Harper 7/25/24


GovTrack, a group famed for its thorough documentation of US congressional voting habits has purged a 2019 report that recognized Vice President Kamala Harris as the “most liberal” senator of that year.

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Do Not Let the Media Lie About Joe Biden – Alex Berenson 7/23/24


He didn’t quit voluntarily, and he’s far from a hero. He hid his cognitive decline for years, hoping to fool Americans into reelecting him. He deserves scorn, not praise.

Once again, the elite media is trying to rewrite history in real time.

Not even 24 hours after a Democratic and public rebellion forced President Joe Biden to give up his desperate quest for a second term, the spinning and gaslighting began.

Continue reading “Do Not Let the Media Lie About Joe Biden – Alex Berenson 7/23/24”

A Congressman and a Doctor Reported a Woman Being Shot at Trump Rally: She’s Vanished from Official Reports – Pam Martens and Russ Martens 7/19/24


Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) was present at the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on Saturday, July 13, and gave an interview to Bob Costa of CBS News on the same evening that the shootings occurred. Costa quoted Kelly as telling him: “I believe a lady who was next to me was hit; other people were hit.”

Continue reading “A Congressman and a Doctor Reported a Woman Being Shot at Trump Rally: She’s Vanished from Official Reports – Pam Martens and Russ Martens 7/19/24”

What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24


On July 1, 2024, the US detained its most prominent political prisoner; its most obvious political prisoner probably since the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War 2.

On July 1 2024, podcaster, entrepreneur, former Navy officer, and political advisor to President Trump, Stephen K Bannon, “surrendered”, in his words, to authorities, to begin serving four months’ incarceration at Danbury Federal Prison.

Continue reading “What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24”

Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24


In what may be the most aggressive move against press freedom since the Second World War, Germany has banned Compact Magazine and had over 200 police officers raid the office and home of the publisher, Jürgen Elsässer, along with the homes of other employees and financial backers.

At 6:00 a.m., masked German police officers raided the home of Elsässer and confiscated hard drives and assets. The magazine has a large readership in Germany and a Youtube channel with millions of views and over 300,000 subscribers. The website and its social media channels have now been erased from the web.

Continue reading “Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24”

During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24


There is only one major social media platform that is relatively free of censorship. That is X, once known as Twitter, and owned by Elon Musk, who has preached free speech for years and sacrificed billions in advertising dollars in order to protect it. If we don’t have that, he says, we lose freedom itself. He also maintains that it is the best path to finding the truth.

The crisis that broke out after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life put the principle in motion. I was posting regular updates and never censored. I’m not aware of anyone who was. We were getting second-by-second updates in real time. The videos were flying along with every conceivable rumor, many false and then corrected, alongside free speech “spaces” in which everyone was sharing their views.

During this time, Facebook and its suite of services fell silent, consistent with the new ethos of all these platforms. The idea is to censor all speech until it is absolutely confirmed by officials and then permit only that which is consistent with the press releases.

Continue reading “During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24”

Israel is Falling Apart, and American Leaders are in Denial – Philip Weiss 7/15/24


Israel’s inability to solve the Palestinian issue except by apartheid and massacres has fostered a fascistic and racist political culture in the country. But this truth must be kept from Americans.

Several left-wing voices have said lately that Israel is falling apart. The society is torn over the war, the government is dominated by brutal racists, and the country’s only answer to the fundamental question – half the population is Palestinian – is apartheid and rolling massacres.

Continue reading “Israel is Falling Apart, and American Leaders are in Denial – Philip Weiss 7/15/24”

“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure – ZeroHedge 7/14/24


Update (1420ET): Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday’s Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.

“Hopefully after the tragedy yesterday in Butler PA we can all recognize that unaccountable bloated bureaucracies continue to fail us as Americans,” Prince posted to X.

Continued (emphasis ours):

Continue reading ““Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure – ZeroHedge 7/14/24″

The Attempted Assassination of Trump is not Nearly as Surprising as it Should Be – Jonathan Turley 7/14/24


Below is my column on the assassination attempt of former president Donald Trump. We all watched as the horrific scene unfolded on television. It was a traumatic moment for the entire country, but it was hardly surprising given this age of rage. We are still learning about the suspected shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, was from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. He was able to use a roof top 130 yards away from the rally for the assassination attempt. He is being described as a registered Republican but donated to a Democratic political organization.

Here is the column:

Continue reading “The Attempted Assassination of Trump is not Nearly as Surprising as it Should Be – Jonathan Turley 7/14/24”

A PsyWar Assassination Attempt – Robert W. Malone MD 7/14/24


There had been an assassination attempt on the life of President and candidate Donald Trump. I stayed up until 6:00 AM, going back and forth with Justine Isernhinke and posting/crossposting breaking news on “X”. Suffice to say, alternative media ran circles around corporate media, while the same corporate media seemed bound and determined to validate the thesis that it remains “Mockingbird” controlled by the CIA/Blob.

The photographic and audio record of the series of events is amazing. All on “X” and analyzed literally within minutes.

Continue reading “A PsyWar Assassination Attempt – Robert W. Malone MD 7/14/24”

Israel’s Leading Paper says its Own Military Deliberately Killed Israeli Soldiers and Civilians on October 7. But in the U.S. Media: Silence – James North 7/10/24


Israel ordered the “Hannibal Directive” on October 7 by ordering the killing of captive Israeli soldiers and civilians. But the U.S. media continues to hide the truth.

Three days ago, Israel’s leading newspaper, Haaretz, published the results of its thorough, comprehensive investigation into what actually happened when Hamas attacked on October 7. So far, the U.S. mainstream media has not said a word about the shocking results of that investigation. Critics sometimes use the expression “media malpractice” to describe the American mainstream’s failure to report accurately about Israel/Palestine. This time, though, what’s happening is even worse; it has to be deliberate self-censorship, designed to hide the truth from the U.S. audience.

Continue reading “Israel’s Leading Paper says its Own Military Deliberately Killed Israeli Soldiers and Civilians on October 7. But in the U.S. Media: Silence – James North 7/10/24”

Biden is not Running the Government. So, who is? – Connor O’Keeffe 7/10/24


After a disastrous debate performance two weeks ago and a weak damage-control interview last Friday, it’s finally become clear to almost everyone that President Joe Biden is not running the federal government.

Every four years, we’re supposed to pretend that a single individual, who we collectively choose at the ballot box, takes charge of the federal government and acts as we would to address the problems we face at home and abroad.

Biden’s inability to get through a debate and a sit-down interview without issues shatters the illusion that he is the one running things in Washington and across America’s globe-spanning sphere of influence.

So, if Biden is not actually running the government, who is?

Continue reading “Biden is not Running the Government. So, who is? – Connor O’Keeffe 7/10/24”

House Judiciary Report Shows I am Being Censored by the Largest Corporations in the World – Robert W. Malone MD 7/10/24


Today, the House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report on how GARM and its members are colluding with other companies to censor not only hate speech but to censor speech that they don’t like. Which includes conservative voices.

What is GARM?

Curiously, Wikipedia lists no page describing GARM or the GARM agreement.

Continue reading “House Judiciary Report Shows I am Being Censored by the Largest Corporations in the World – Robert W. Malone MD 7/10/24”

Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity – Jonathan Turley 7/4/24


The media is sorry . . . sort of. After the shocking appearance of President Joe Biden in the presidential debate, the public has turned its attention to the press which has, again, buried a major scandal for years. According to CNN, the reporters at the White House are really, really sorry but explained that it was the “right-wing media” that prompted them to avoid the story. It is a telling admission that, yet again, reporters chose not to report on a story because they wanted to frame the news for political purposes. It is precisely the pattern that I discuss in my new book The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage where the media now rejects objectivity and neutrality as core values in journalism.

Continue reading “Reporters Blame “Right-Wing Media” for Their Failure to Disclose Biden’s Infirmity – Jonathan Turley 7/4/24”

Is Joe Biden’s Brain Vaccine Injured? How the Democrats Became Consumed by their Own Product – Midwestern Doctor 6/29/24


Story at a Glance:

•One of the most common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination we’ve observed is cognitive impairment. This can range from brain fog to dementia, and frequently we see a rapid acceleration of pre-existing cognitive decline into Alzheimer’s disease.

•Recently large data sets have emerged which support our observations and indicate millions of people are being affected by the adverse neurological effects of the vaccines. Those datasets are summarized here.

Continue reading “Is Joe Biden’s Brain Vaccine Injured? How the Democrats Became Consumed by their Own Product – Midwestern Doctor 6/29/24”

The Art of Being Eternally Shocked: How the Press and Pundits are Again Mystified by the Obvious – Jonathan Turley 6/29/24


No one would think of the Beltway as being a place of the naive innocents of our society. Washington is the only ecosystem composed entirely of apex predators. Yet, this week everyone seems to be eternally shocked by what has been obvious for years.

Continue reading “The Art of Being Eternally Shocked: How the Press and Pundits are Again Mystified by the Obvious – Jonathan Turley 6/29/24”

New York Times Runs Seemingly Pre-Written Op-Ed Calling for Biden to Drop Out of Presidential Race – Cassandra MacDonald 6/28/24


The New York Times has published an opinion piece from two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Nicholas Kristof calling for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the presidential race.

The op-ed, “President Biden, I’ve Seen Enough,” was published after Thursday night’s debate — but the URL indicates that it was, at least partially, pre-written and loaded up on June 25.

The Gray Lady having an article ready to go calling for the president to step aside may lend some credibility to theories that there is a concerted effort to replace Biden as the nominee….

Read More…

Joe Biden and the Anatomy of a Failing State – Tho Bishop 6/28/24


Presidential debates are a quirky aspect of modern American politics. In theory, they are the closest thing to political combat, a rare opportunity for political leaders to publicly contrast differences in ideology and vision for the country. In reality, presidential debates have become something more akin to pop culture, with actors repeating lines they don’t believe in, achieving a desired reaction from various popular audiences.

Continue reading “Joe Biden and the Anatomy of a Failing State – Tho Bishop 6/28/24”

It was the Media, Led by the Guardian, that Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars – Jonathan Cook 6/26/24


It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – two boys who have been denied the chance to ever properly know their father.

Continue reading “It was the Media, Led by the Guardian, that Kept Julian Assange Behind Bars – Jonathan Cook 6/26/24”

Pride Month 2024: How Did We Get Here? – Adam Lucas 6/21/24


As my eyes endure another Pride Month, I’m struck by the scope of a movement that barely two election cycles ago was opposed by the majority of Americans. At least once a year, our entire society is covered in more glitter and rainbows than a 7-year-old girl’s birthday party. Recent pushback notwithstanding, Pride is everywhere—in our stores, our schools, our billboards, our churches, and even our crosswalks. It’s treated as a decidedly settled topic. Opposition to the LGBTQ+ agenda is incredibly unpopular and not tolerated in our institutions.

Continue reading “Pride Month 2024: How Did We Get Here? – Adam Lucas 6/21/24”

Dr. Mercola’s Alleged Anti-Catholicism, Partnership with ‘Psychic’ Worries Supporters – LifeSite News 6/18/24


A prominent vaccine skeptic and alternative health advocate has still not addressed concerns about disturbing new interests in his career.

Dr. Joseph Mercola reportedly made anti-Catholic remarks and fired executives he believes are faithful to the Catholic Church earlier this year. According to his sister, Janet Selvig, he now thinks he is “a god” and “the new Jesus.” Comedian and recent Catholic convert Rob Schneider, a Mercola fan, has wondered publicly if the physician has been brainwashed.

A February 14 article in Natural Products Insider (NPI) detailed then-recent business changes and Mercola’s association with a so-called “psychic” who claims to channel an alien entity.

Continue reading “Dr. Mercola’s Alleged Anti-Catholicism, Partnership with ‘Psychic’ Worries Supporters – LifeSite News 6/18/24”

The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24


In case you missed the Reuters news story, during 2020 and 2021, the Pentagon used fake social media accounts and bot farms to flood Filipinos with messaging about the ineffectiveness of Chinese PPE and China’s Sinovac (COVID-19) vaccine.

Continue reading “The Pentagon’s “Anti-Vax” Psyops Campaign Against China – Robert W. Malone MD 6/17/24″

Canada’s Tax Agency Paid Employees as ‘Ghostwriters’ to Produce MSM ‘News’ Articles: Records – Anthony Murdoch 6/12/24


Recently disclosed records have revealed that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) spent over a quarter of a million dollars tasking employees to create “news” reports, some of which were published by Canadian media.  

The scheme was uncovered via a recent Inquiry Of Ministry tabled in Canada’s Senate by Conservative Senator Donald Plett, who asked alongside the information, “How much did the Government of Canada pay to publish news written by government employees?” 

Continue reading “Canada’s Tax Agency Paid Employees as ‘Ghostwriters’ to Produce MSM ‘News’ Articles: Records – Anthony Murdoch 6/12/24”

Employment Flatlines for Eleventh Month as Biden Claims Historic Job Gains – Ryan McMaken 6/10/24


According to a new report from the federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics on Friday, the US economy added 272,000 jobs during May while the unemployment rate rose slightly to 4.0 percent. As has been repeatedly the case over the past year, the latest monthly job-growth number was described as a “blowout” or “hot” number by major media outlets like CNN. As is typical in the good-news-is-bad-news view on Wall Street, the Dow fell on Friday out of fear that the “strong” jobs report would impel the Federal Reserve to put off interest-rate cuts further into the future.

Continue reading “Employment Flatlines for Eleventh Month as Biden Claims Historic Job Gains – Ryan McMaken 6/10/24”