Elon Musk continues to release incriminating files from Twitter that shows criminal activity. Censoring citizens regarding Covid, Ukraine, and Covid 19 bioweapons, all at the behest of the government. Covering up sensitive political information regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, and certainly, anything to do with fraudulent elections.
Recently, Elon Musk called out gain of function research, promoted by Anthony Fauci, as a bioweapon. Musk is correct. Gain of function research is bioweapon development. Dr. Francis Boyle, an international and criminal law expert, has been pointing out for quite some time that Fauci and others are criminally implicated in the development of an offensive biological weapon in a scientific paper entitled, A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence, published in 2015. Dr. Boyle, is also author of the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, and in his book, Resisting Medical Tyranny, lays out a legal strategy of bypassing corrupt federal courts and seeking indictments in state courts. Statewide grand juries, utilizing state attorney generals, as well as grand juries utilizing state attorneys, and even county prosecutors where applicable, are part of this strategy. Indictments for murder and conspiracy to commit murder can be sought. Dr. Boyle asserts that once the first indictment comes in the house of cards will fall. This is also mentioned in my open letter to Attorney General Ashley Moody.
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