Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24


Media reports suggest that Trump’s would-be assassin is dead.

That is simply not true. Trump’s assassin is not dead.

The name of Trump’s assassin is the CIA. If it is not the CIA proper, it is some similarly vile governmental entity that operates in the shadows to undermine the interests of the American dinner table.

Trump’s assassin is not dead. They are very much alive.

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World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24


NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

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F-16 Fighter Jets Now On Their Way To Ukraine, White House Says – ZeroHedge 7/10/24


American-made F-16 fighters jets are currently on their way to Ukraine, Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Wednesday during a NATO public forum of the alliance’s annual summit being hosted in Washington D.C. President Biden confirmed alongside European allies that “The transfer process for these F-16s is now under way.”

The program has been one year in the making, which has included training Ukrainian pilots at sites on US soil and in Europe. “Those jets will be flying in the skies of Ukraine this summer, to make sure that Ukraine can continue to effectively defend itself against the Russian aggression,” Blinken said further….

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Poland Preparing Military For Full-Scale Conflict, Army Chief Says – ZeroHedge 7/11/24


NATO officials have announced several major moves which collectively mark a significant escalation with Russia at the annual NATO summit in Washington DC this week. First, President Biden on Tuesday unveiled that the US is sending dozens of anti-air defense systems to Ukraine forces amid stepped-up Russian aerial assaults.

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The Big Picture Behind Viktor The Mediator’s Peace Shuttle – Pepe Escobar 7/9/24


Viktor Orban is on a roll.

And that has set out a riotous roller coaster.

Everyone has been gripped by the extraordinary spectacle of pre-historic specimens wallowing in the Western geopolitical swamp reaching the depths of Hysteriastan at the sight of the Hungarian Prime Minister’s peace shuttle moving from Ukraine and Russia to China.

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Four Unbelievable Narratives – James Rickards 7/8/24


Everyday Americans and investors in particular are confronted with “narratives” daily. Many include hidden agendas that are politically, ideologically or financially driven.

The key for investors is to see the narrative for what it is, avoid the mass psychosis, position yourself for reality and succeed in the end.

Following are four reigning narratives.

In each case, I sketch these narratives (and what the media wants you to believe), then contrast that sketch with reality supported by hard data.

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Trump’s Reported Plan For NATO Is Already Being Partially Implemented – Andrew Korybko 7/3/24


Politico published a piece on Tuesday about how “Trump’s Plan for NATO Is Emerging”, which cites some on-the-record and unnamed sources to describe his approach towards the bloc if he’s re-elected. It’s based upon a policy brief that was written by Dr. Sumantra Maitra in February 2023 for the Trump-affiliated Center for Renewing America. Titled “Pivoting the US Away from Europe to a Dormant NATO”, it details how the US can get the EU to defend Europe while the US focuses on containing China in Asia.

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Lloyd Austin Unveils New $2.3BN Aid While Hosting Ukraine’s Defense Chief – ZeroHedge 7/2/24


We wrote in early June that the White House is planning to announce new Ukraine arms and funding packages about every two or three weeks, drawing from Biden’s $60 billion in recently approved total funding. In mid-May there was a package unveiled at $275 million, followed in the first week of June with another $225 million package.

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US Lawmaker Condemns Attack On Crimea Beach With American Weapons – ZeroHedge 6/24/24


The Kremlin on Monday called the Sunday strike from Ukraine on a crowded Sevastopol beach “barbaric” and accused the US of “killing Russian children” – given that ATACMS missiles were allegedly used. The attack killed four people, including two children, and injured over 150 more.

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Hungary Will Jump Off The ‘NATO Train’ Of Escalation As It’s ‘Hopeless’: Orban – ZeroHedge 6/23/24


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said in fresh interview that despite leading Western countries seeking the defeat of Russia in Ukraine, the situation remains “hopeless” for achieving this and it will only lead to greater death and destruction. He described that in the scenario the West actually does eventually succeed, the immense cost in blood and treasure would not be worth it.

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General Dynamics’ New 155-Millimeter Shell Factory Opens As War Cycle Kicks Into Higher Gear – ZeroHedge 6/1/24


General Dynamics’ new 155-millimeter artillery shell factory in Mesquite, Texas, is set to produce 30,000 shells per month, according to a New York Times report. This will provide crucial support to the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the first and second lines and bring the US Army closer to its 100,000 shell target goal by 2025. However, this goal remains far behind Russia’s current 155mm shell production capacity of 250,000 rounds per month.

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Denmark Says Ukraine Can Strike Targets In Russia With Danish-Supplied F-16s – ZeroHedge 5/30/24


A month ago, the Danish ambassador to Ukraine vowed that Kiev would receive F-16 fighter jets from Denmark this summer. “Don’t worry; there will definitely be airplanes for Ukraine,” Ambassador Ole Egberg Mikkelsen told Ukrainian media at the time. As of 2023, Denmark had 44 total F-16AM and F-16BM fighters, and intended to decommission its entire fleet, in a plan that would see all of them in the end transferred to Ukraine.

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Ukraine Enforces Desperate Conscription Laws As Russian Troops Close In On Kharkiv – ZeroHedge 5/24/24


Ukraine is now enforcing a new mobilization law which is being called ‘divisive’ among many Ukrainian citizens and some political leaders.  The law requires men ages 18-60 to carry their military paperwork at all times to be presented to authorities on demand.  It lowers the minimum draft age from 27 to 25 (Ukraine has a demographic shortage of men ages 18-25).  And, all military age Ukrainian men abroad must come back to Ukraine to renew their passports, including refugees driven from their homes in the early days of the war.

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The Vietnamization of Ukraine – Ron Paul 5/21/24


As Ukraine’s defeat in the war moves closer, the neocons are desperate to draw the US further into the fight. Over the weekend, former US State Department official Victoria Nuland told ABC News that the US must help facilitate Ukrainian missile attacks deep inside Russian territory. The Biden Administration has to this point avoided involvement in such attacks, likely because Russian president Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will strike any facility that supplies or facilitates strikes inside of Russia, wherever they may be.

Continue reading “The Vietnamization of Ukraine – Ron Paul 5/21/24”

Slovak PM Robert Fico Expected To Survive; UK Media Appears To Justify Assassination Attempt – ZeroHedge 5/16/24


Update(1840ET): Prime Minister Fico is said to be improving, following reports that he was in surgery due to several gunshot wounds from the Wednesday assassination attempt. Deputy Prime Minister Tomas Taraba has told the BBC he “is not in a life-threatening situation at this moment.”

“Fortunately, as far as I know, the operation went well – and I guess in the end he will survive,” the statement indicated.

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April 20, 2024: Final Nail in America’s Coffin? – Ron Paul 4/23/24


When future historians go searching for the final nail in the US coffin, they may well settle on the date April 20, 2024.

On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.

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Why is the West Suddenly Revealing that it has Troops in Ukraine? – Ted Snider 3/21/24


It has long been an open secret that the West has been providing Ukraine with funding, weapons, training, maintenance, targeting intelligence, intelligence on the position of Russian forces and vulnerabilities and even war-gaming. They have provided Ukraine with everything but the bodies. President Joe Biden has long insisted that American troops “are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine.” The West has long denied that it is directly involved in the war or that they have troops in Ukraine.

And that is mostly true. It is Ukrainian soldiers that are being injured and killed in the hundreds of thousands. But it is not entirely true.

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Missiles for Ukraine? Bizarre German War Propaganda on Children’s Channel Features Talking Weapons – John Cody 3/7/24


Currently, there is a fierce debate raging in Germany about whether the country should supply long-range Taurus missiles to Ukraine, with the national children’s channel KIKA now wading into the debate in a clip that is being slammed by critics.

KIKA, which is run by public media giants ARD and ZDF, both funded by German taxpayers, ran a segment entitled “No TAURUS for Ukraine” featured on the children’s news program “Logo!”

The segment chides Chancellor Olaf Scholz for not sending Taurus missiles to Ukraine while using crude language in the 54-second clip.

Continue reading “Missiles for Ukraine? Bizarre German War Propaganda on Children’s Channel Features Talking Weapons – John Cody 3/7/24”

Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up The Crimean Bridge – ZeroHedge 3/3/24


In a huge development and absolute smoking gun revelation, the government of Germany has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked audio recording file published by Russia’s state-backed RT. The leak was first published by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who described that she received it from Russian security officials.

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American Citizen Gonzalo Lira Dies from Neglect in Ukrainian Prison – Alexander Rubinstein 1/12/24


Gonzalo Lira, a prominent commentator on the Russia-Ukraine war imprisoned in Ukraine for speech critical of the country’s government, has died after weeks of medical neglect by Ukrainian authorities.

Chilean-American war commentator Gonzalo Lira died shortly before noon on January, 11, 2024 at a hospital in Kharkiv, where he had been imprisoned for eight months since he was accused of justifying Russian war efforts in Ukraine.

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Ukrainian Trial Demonstrates 2014 Maidan Massacre was False Flag – Kit Klarenberg 12/11/23


A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change.

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