The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24


We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.

There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.

Continue reading “The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24”

Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24


Media reports suggest that Trump’s would-be assassin is dead.

That is simply not true. Trump’s assassin is not dead.

The name of Trump’s assassin is the CIA. If it is not the CIA proper, it is some similarly vile governmental entity that operates in the shadows to undermine the interests of the American dinner table.

Trump’s assassin is not dead. They are very much alive.

Continue reading “Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24”

Food Without Farms: Coke, Nestlé, Pepsi Among Ultra-Processed Food Giants Running Global Food Policy – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/2/24


Ultra-processed food producers are key actors in a complex global network of influence groups where they exert disproportionate power on global food policy and nutrition policy, according to a new paper in Agriculture and Human Values.

Continue reading “Food Without Farms: Coke, Nestlé, Pepsi Among Ultra-Processed Food Giants Running Global Food Policy – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/2/24”

The War On Farming Continues: Denmark To Tax Cattle – Martin Armstrong 7/3/24


The globalist cabal needs to control the food supply in order to control the masses. The World Economic Forum proposed ending gardening in general. Every nation is watching their farmland bought in bulk, with places like America seeing land taken away through eminent domain laws. The UK imposed a tax on chickens simply to prevent people from having the ability to source their own food. Now, Denmark is implementing a tax for cow ownership.

Continue reading “The War On Farming Continues: Denmark To Tax Cattle – Martin Armstrong 7/3/24”

G3P: Global Public-Private Partnerships and the United Nations – Robert W. Malone MD 6/27/24


Basically, the government leaders are bribed by business leaders to co-sign and fund imaginary threats that create policies that benefit connected businesses. Essentially, monopolies or oligopolies are formed where economic rents are extracted from unsuspecting populations. The connected business leaders gain access to insider knowledge on the policies coming and plan accordingly with government contracts coming their way first; then, they roll out their revenue schemes to the public. It’s fraud, the likes of which we have never seen. None of this would be possible without debt-based fiat money from central banks. I also suspect the intelligence agencies run enforcement for this group and blackmail those government employees without a conscience. They are either rewarded with plum jobs when they go to the private sector or with outright bribes.

Continue reading “G3P: Global Public-Private Partnerships and the United Nations – Robert W. Malone MD 6/27/24”

The Enemies of Food Freedom – Tracy Thurman 6/10/24


In every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception.

My previous article addressed the ongoing attacks on farmers across the globe. In today’s article, we will look at some of the culprits behind this agenda. For anyone who delved into the entities behind the tyrannical Covid policies, many names on the list below will seem quite familiar.

Continue reading “The Enemies of Food Freedom – Tracy Thurman 6/10/24”

“Zero Tolerance”: Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing – ZeroHedge 6/9/24


In response to last weekend’s terrorist stabbing at a counter-Jihad meeting in Mannheim which left one officer dead – and a second stabbing of an AfD politician in the same city, (and not years of terrorist attacks, having to close public pools and double-digit increases in crime among non-Germans), Chancellor Olaf Scholz – a leftwing social democrat, announced a new ‘zero tolerance’ program which will deport criminal migrants or those “who venerate them.”

Continue reading ““Zero Tolerance”: Germany To Start Forcibly Deporting Dangerous Migrants After Cop Dies In Stabbing – ZeroHedge 6/9/24″

Sweden Introduces Draconian ‘Security Zone’ in Gang Crime Hotspot, Giving Police Indiscriminate Powers to Search Anyone – Thomas Brooke 6/4/24


Swedish police have introduced the first “stop-and-frisk-zone” in the country’s history, giving officers the power to search any individual or vehicle without the need for reasonable suspicion.

Continue reading “Sweden Introduces Draconian ‘Security Zone’ in Gang Crime Hotspot, Giving Police Indiscriminate Powers to Search Anyone – Thomas Brooke 6/4/24”

Hyperinflation and the Destruction of Human Personality – Joseph T. Salerno 5/30/24


The Link between Economic Calculation and Human Personality

Economists and historians have clearly shown that the destruction of the value and function of money by hyperinflation makes economic calculation impossible and leads to economic and social disintegration and widespread poverty. What is not so clearly understood, even by many economists, is that during periods of rapid inflation, the inability to economically calculate undermines the very nature of property and causes a withering of the human personality, which is intimately connected with property ownership. By eliminating the means of appraising and rationally allocating one’s property, hyperinflation eliminates the very basis of independent human existence and personality under a system of social cooperation. The inevitable result is the dissolution of the society of voluntary contract and its replacement by a hegemonic order in which property and personality are collectivized.

Continue reading “Hyperinflation and the Destruction of Human Personality – Joseph T. Salerno 5/30/24”

Dr. Malone’s Institute Publishes List of Canadian Politicians with Ties to the World Economic Forum – Anthony Murdoch 5/28/24


A new list released by the U.S.-based Malone Institute highlights dozens of Canadian politicians and current cabinet ministers of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government who have links to the globalist World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders program.  

Continue reading “Dr. Malone’s Institute Publishes List of Canadian Politicians with Ties to the World Economic Forum – Anthony Murdoch 5/28/24”

Warsaw Mayor Orders Removal of Crucifix, Use of Transgender ‘Pronouns’ at City Hall – Andreas Wailzer 5/17/24


The mayor of Warsaw ordered the removal of religious symbols, i.e., crosses and crucifixes, from City Hall while urging employees to use transgender “pronouns” and respect same-sex relationships.

Continue reading “Warsaw Mayor Orders Removal of Crucifix, Use of Transgender ‘Pronouns’ at City Hall – Andreas Wailzer 5/17/24”

Catholic Priest: ‘Synodality’ Aims to Destroy the Church by ‘Restructuring’ it into an NGO – Fr. Joachim Heimerl 5/16/24


This essay by Father Joachim Heimerl was originally written in German. It has been translated and published with the permission of Fr. Heimerl.

Someone recently asked me: “Excuse me, Father, what is synodality?”

I admit: I was surprised. After all, we think that nowadays everything revolves around “synodality,” but in fact, the term doesn’t seem to have reached the faithful; it only exists in the bubble of church bureaucrats.

Continue reading “Catholic Priest: ‘Synodality’ Aims to Destroy the Church by ‘Restructuring’ it into an NGO – Fr. Joachim Heimerl 5/16/24”

Pope Francis Calls for ‘Global Financial Charter’ at Vatican Climate Change Conference – Michael Haynes 5/16/24


Addressing a Vatican-hosted climate change conference, Pope Francis called for a “new global financial charter” by 2025 that would be centered on climate change and “ecological debt.”

Continue reading “Pope Francis Calls for ‘Global Financial Charter’ at Vatican Climate Change Conference – Michael Haynes 5/16/24”

Racist Secession? Conservatives Escape Democrat-Run Baton Rouge With Creation Of New City – ZeroHedge 5/11/24


The battle started a decade ago with conservative parents in the eastern areas of Baton Rouge, Louisiana seeking the right to send their children to better public schools.  Their requests for a redistricting to build a new school in their area was denied by the city.  Year after year Louisiana public schools have been rated some of the worst performing schools in the US, not just in education but also in safety.

Continue reading “Racist Secession? Conservatives Escape Democrat-Run Baton Rouge With Creation Of New City – ZeroHedge 5/11/24”

Title IX Rule Change on Gender Triggers Lawsuits from 15 States – Darlene McCormick Sanchez 5/7/24


Republican-led states are suing the Biden administration and advising schools to ignore the new federal Title IX changes that expand sex discrimination protection to students who identify as the opposite sex, or transgender.

The rule change, published on April 19, formalizes the Department of Education’s redefinition of the meaning of sex to include gender identity.

Continue reading “Title IX Rule Change on Gender Triggers Lawsuits from 15 States – Darlene McCormick Sanchez 5/7/24”

U.S. Birth Rate Hit Record Low Last Year, Signaling Surge in Childlessness – Emily Mangiaracina 5/1/24


The U.S. birth rate hit a record low last year of 1.62 births per woman according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), part of a worldwide trend of declining birth rates that have been shown to stem from rising childlessness.

Continue reading “U.S. Birth Rate Hit Record Low Last Year, Signaling Surge in Childlessness – Emily Mangiaracina 5/1/24”

Internal DHS Data Reveals the 45+ U.S. Cities that Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants have Flown into via the Biden Administration’s Controversial “CHNV” Mass Parole Program. – Bill Melugin 5/1/24


The DHS data shows that during an 8 month stretch from January through August 2023, roughly 200,000 migrants flew into the U.S. via the program, with 80% of them, (161,562) arriving in the state of Florida in four cities: Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Orlando, & Tampa.

The top 15 cities migrants flew into, & the numbers during this 8 month window, are below.

Continue reading “Internal DHS Data Reveals the 45+ U.S. Cities that Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants have Flown into via the Biden Administration’s Controversial “CHNV” Mass Parole Program. – Bill Melugin 5/1/24″

Cities’ “Doom Loops” Are Even Worse Than You Imagined – Charles Hugh Smith 4/24/24


This is why those who understand these dynamics are getting out, even though the city was their home.

A correspondent who prefers to remain anonymous sent me this account of the “doom loop” that is playing out in many American cities. The correspondent makes the case that the Doom Loop is not limited to specific cities, but is a universal dynamic in all US cities due to the core causes of the Doom Loop: financialization and the multi-decade decay of cities’ core industrial-economic purpose / mission.

Continue reading “Cities’ “Doom Loops” Are Even Worse Than You Imagined – Charles Hugh Smith 4/24/24″

European Parliament Approves Controversial Migration Pact, Sparking Uproar from Nationalists who Vow to Bring it Down After EU Election – Thomas Brooke 4/10/24


The European Parliament has approved the controversial EU Asylum and Migration Pact, which will see countries forced to accept their fair share of new arrivals into the bloc or pay a fine for every migrant they reject.

Continue reading “European Parliament Approves Controversial Migration Pact, Sparking Uproar from Nationalists who Vow to Bring it Down After EU Election – Thomas Brooke 4/10/24”