The Vatican released a video address proving that a scandalous painting portraying a nude Jesus ministering to Judas, Christ’s own betrayer, hangs in Pope Francis’ personal study.
Vatican News on Wednesday released a video address from Pope Francis delivered that day to the Pan-American Committee of Judges for Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine (COPAJU), showing that the controversial painting is indeed hanging in Francis’ study, behind his desk.
In 2021, the Vatican’s own newspaper L’Osservatore Romano, revealed that the artist donated the painting to Francis and that it hung “behind the desk” of the Pope. However, proof of this has not been made visible to the public until now.
The Vatican-approved publication displayed a portion of the painting as its cover photo in 2021. A comparison shows it is clearly the painting hanging in Francis’ study.
The 2021 Vatican editorial explained that that painting was inspired by Francis’ 2018 book, Quando pregate dite Padre Nostro, in which Francis suggests Judas may not be in hell. This idea directly conflicts with statements of previous popes and Our Lord Himself, who said of Judas it would be better for him that he had not been born.
2018 was not the only time Francis has pushed the notion that Judas may be saved. In 2020, he did the same thing in a televised homily in his private chapel on Wednesday of Holy Week, where he had to read that very passage where Jesus says it would be better for Judas not to have been born.
“How did Judas end up? I don’t know,” Pope Francis said at the time.
Nevertheless, the teaching of the church is clear on the damnation of Judas. The Catechism of the Council of Trent is very explicit on this point, saying that Judas “lost soul and body” and that his betrayal despite his priesthood “brought him everlasting destruction.”
Moreover, the first Pope, St. Peter, was clear that after Judas betrayed Christ he had to be replaced as an apostle, whereas after the deaths of other apostles they were not replaced. …