Eventbrite Removes Event with Detransitioner Chloe Cole About Dangers of Transgenderism – Matt Lamb 10/3/23

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

Event ticketing website Eventbrite is silencing the voice of “detransitioner” Chloe Cole and refusing to allow a conservative group to use its software.

Cole had her breasts removed at the age of 15 only to begin to regret the surgery the following year. She will never be able to nurse future children because of the procedure.

She has since become an activist against the harms of transgenderism, often speaking at rallies and testifying in front of Congress and state legislatures.

“We have determined that your event is not permitted on the Eventbrite platform as it violates our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service, specifically our policy on Hateful, Dangerous, or Violent Content and Events,” Eventbrite’s Trust and Safety team told the Palmetto Family Council in an email.

“As a result, your event has been unpublished. Please be aware that severe or repeated violations of our community guidelines may result in the suspension or termination of your Eventbrite account,” the email said, as first reported by The Daily Wire.

Eventbrite has been carrying water for child mutilation agendas and silencing the voices of detransitioners for as long as we’ve been speaking out about our experiences.

Here is the latest of many examples… https://t.co/qwp9RC3A2Y

— Chloe Cole ⭐️ (@ChoooCole) September 29, 2023

The November 6 event in Spartanburg, South Carolina, aimed “to discuss the dangers of transgenderism for minors and specifically to foster a movement to stop the genital mutilation of minors in South Carolina and across the country who are too young to consent to such procedures and therapies,” the group told the Daily Wire.

Tickets are now available on ticketbud.com….

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