My friend and respected colleague Jeff Childers did a nice job summarizing the main-stream and alternate media fear porn surrounding one recent case of leprosy (Hansen’s disease) in Florida. This case was written up and published as a case study by a recently graduated medical student/trainee in a CDC-affiliated medical journal last week. I wanted to just cross post his otherwise excellent Substack article, but… Jeff is one hell of an attorney. However, by his own admission, he is not a physician or a scientist, and he got just some important details wrong regarding the science and medicine. But his calling attention to the ginned up fear porn is super important and for that, I acknowledge his great work.
Leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease, is extremely rare in the USA. Using the official CDC tracker, there is no evidence that the disease is becoming more widespread anywhere in the USA. Here are the facts about the disease from the CDC website:…