Project Veritas has Broken Pfizer’s Gain-of-Function Research Program Wide Open – RobertW.MaloneMD 1/26/23


Pfizer’s research is dangerous, immoral and must be shut down now.

Yesterday I was asked to be a part of the Project Veritas video that exposes a Pfizer Director discusses making a “Mutating” COVID-19 virus for new vaccines via ‘Directed Evolution’ research. Of course, I was honored to help. The above video is the final product.

Discussions concerning the deep evil which underlies the COVIDcrisis has become common among the many communities which Jill and I visit while traveling the world.

Here is the rough beast in the flesh, slouching towards Bethlehem to be born. Devoid of empathy. Avarice its purpose. It’s face glowing with joy, oblivious to the profound human tragedy it enables, reveling in the damage wrought to the web of humanity and the structure of a nation. Oblivious to the horror embodied in its words, in the very fabric of its language. Possessed by a deep belief in its own entitlement. Oozing dizzy narcissism. Celebrating corruption. Completely devoid of wisdom, introspection or self-awareness of the fundamental perversion of its soul.

A senior emissary from an immortal corporation, which courts have defined as having rights formerly restricted to human citizens, and which chronically preys and feeds on human suffering. A corporation which shrugs off massive fines for illegal activities as just another inconvenience, a mere business expense.

Look deeply into the face of this ambassador from another world, listen carefully to these worlds. This is how we got here. This is the culture that has given us this global human tragedy.

Behold the banal face of unrepentant evil….

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