Today, the feast of Candlemas, some 90 clergymen, scholars, and authors are publishing a new statement that joins the chorus of those Catholic voices opposed to the papally approved Fiducia Supplicans, a document permitting blessings of homosexual couples and other couples in irregular unions. The signatories address the bishops and cardinals of the Catholic Church, asking them to forbid such blessings in their respective dioceses and to ask Pope Francis to withdraw the document altogether.
The authors point out that there has been a very strong reaction against this document issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith and signed by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, saying that “a relevant part of the world episcopate has practically rejected it, due to its evident break with Scripture and the Tradition of the Church.” Even cardinals such as Cardinal Robert Sarah and Cardinal Gerhard Müller have spoken up against this Vatican document.
The filial appeal argues against the document as follows:
Therefore, the concrete sign that is given with such blessing, in front of the whole world, is that “irregular couples,” extramarital and homosexual alike, according to the Catholic Church, would now be acceptable to God, precisely in the type of union that specifically configures them as couples. Nor does it make sense to separate “couple” from “union,” as card. Fernández has tried to do, since a couple is a couple because of the union that gives existence to it.
In light of the gravity of this new Vatican document, the signatories insist that bishops “definitely” are not to “remain silent, “since the scandal that has already occurred is serious and public, and if it is not stopped, it is bound to be more and more amplified.”
Among the signatories are numerous personalities known to LifeSite readers, such as Father Gerald Murray, Father Robert Sirico, Father Glen Tattersall, Deacon Nick Donnelly, Professor Claudio Pierantoni, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Professor John Lamont, Professor Roberto de Mattei, Professor Anna Silvas, Dr. Gerard van den Aardweg, and Professor John and Anna Rist. Among journalists, there can be found Philip Lawler, his wife Leila, and Eric Sammons, as well as LifeSite’s own editor-in-chief, John-Henry Westen.
This filial appeal is being published simultaneously in multiple languages on websites such as (Spanish), (German), Sandro Magister (Italian and French), Crisis Magazine, InfoCatólica, Edward Pentin, and more.
Priests, scholars, and public figures are still invited to add their own signature to this filial appeal. They can write to [email protected] by February 15. On February 17, an updated list will be published.
Please see here the full text of the Filial Appeal:…