An 8-year-old Israeli boy featured in a video promoting the COVID-19 vaccine died suddenly last month from sudden cardiac arrest.
Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, the son and grandson of prominent Israeli doctors, almost drowned in the bathtub after his heart stopped on the eve of Yom Kippur. Although paramedics were able to revive him, he died several days later on Sept. 28.
In 2020, Erlichman appeared in a video with Shuski, described as a “friendly puppet ‘child,’” urging viewers to get the COVID-19 vaccine when it became available.
Describing Erlichman as the “poster child” for Israel’s vaccine campaign, LifeSiteNews shared the government-sponsored video featuring the boy, released just prior to the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines in Israel.
יונתן ארליכמן ז”ל בן 8 מת מדום לב
לא מזעזע אתכם ? היכן הכותרות ? החקירות? כמה ילדים עוד ימותו על מזבח הזהב?
ובייחוד שיש כבר שני מחקרים מבוקרים המעידים כי חיסוני ה mRNA גורמים לבעיות לבביות. עד מתי תתחפרו ? כמה עוד תכחישו?
תזכרו שבכל רגע נתון זה יכול לקרות לילדיכם…
— א.בלב Avishag Balev (@AvishagBalev) October 1, 2023
Here is a partial translation of the tweet (via Google Translate):
“Doesn’t that shock you? Where are the headlines? The investigations? How many more children will die on the golden altar?
“And in particular, there are already two controlled studies that show that the mRNA vaccines cause cardiac problems … How much more will you deny?
“Remember that at any given moment, this can happen to your beloved children and grandchildren.”
Another tweet questioned why the story was not on televised news, but only in local and religious press. The person reported that the family was “scared to death and were trying to keep the story quiet.”
The boy’s family released the following statement:
“Our Yonatan Moshe passed away a short time ago. On the eve of Yom Kippur, Yonatan went into cardiac arrest in our home, and since then we fought by his side after he collapsed. We thank all those dear to us who were by our side in the last days of his life.”
Netanyahu bragged about making Israel a ‘lab for Pfizer’
Israel is one of the most mRNA-vaccinated countries on Earth, with more than 70% of its people over 16 receiving at least two doses by April 2021.
In November 2020, Israel’s government signed an agreement with Pfizer to acquire 8 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, which the government began distributing in December 2020.
In exchange for receiving the vaccine ahead of other countries, Israel agreed to provide Pfizer with epidemiological data to help the vaccine maker evaluate the efficacy and reactogenicity of the vaccine.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was able to make Israel “the lab for Pfizer” because “98% of our population has digitized medical records” that would — when combined with his country’s “genetic database” — facilitate granular reporting of the vaccine’s impact on the country’s citizens.
With this data, “you can create a biotechnological industry that is unheard of … unimagined even,” he said.
Netanyahu: “Israel became the lab for Pfizer”
Israel Ministry of Health denied it. Pfizer denied it. But finally here we have official confirmation from Prime Minister that as part of the deal, Israel was turned into Pfizer’s
— Dr. Eli David (@DrEliDavid) December 22, 2022
Dr. Sabine Hazan, a gastroenterology specialist in Ventura, California, weighed in on Netanyahu’s Pfizer deal:
Yeah, and you can create a weapon to eliminate a whole population. Who gave Netanyahu the right to decide for an entire population? Shouldn’t people have been allowed to vote to be guinea pigs? They all believed in a vaccine as a solution, but it was not. Neonatal death rate
— sabine hazan md (@SabinehazanMD) December 24, 2022
In light of Erlichman’s death and echoing Hazan’s tweet, Dr. Robert Malone last week expressed concern that a combined genetic and medical database could aid the development of bioweapons capable of targeting specific ethnic groups.
He noted that “the engineered SARS-CoV-2 virus appears to be more severe with specific populations that have more ACE2 receptors on their cell surfaces” and asked, “Was this a bioweapon?”
CDC failed to publicize 2021 Israeli myocarditis data in a timely manner
Information provided to Children’s Health Defense (CHD) last year by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) following a Freedom of Information Act request showed the CDC received a report in February 2021 about post-injection myocarditis from the Israel Ministry of Health.
The report stated, “We are seeing a large number of myocarditis and pericarditis cases in young individuals soon after Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. We would like to discuss the issue with a relevant expert at CDC.”
Even though a significant myocarditis safety signal was visible both in the U.S. and Israel just months after the COVID-19 vaccines were made available, the CDC failed to alert the public until May 2021, after half the eligible U.S. population had already received the vaccine.
In June 2021, Israel released an official report confirming mRNA-related myocarditis in young men, especially those ages 16-24, who showed a rate of up to 25 times higher than typically observed in the Hadassah Medical Center.
A September 2022 Israeli study found the incidence of myocarditis within 30 days of the second Pfizer shot was 2.35 times higher than in the unvaccinated, with the risk for males ages 16-19 presenting as nearly 1 in 1,000.
Although the Israeli study was quick to point out that the risk of myocarditis was milder after the third Pfizer (first booster) shot, Dr. Peter McCullough warned last week at a hearing of the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee in the Arizona Senate that the effects of post-vaccine myocarditis can be delayed for years.
After summarizing the science around the spike protein’s effect on the heart, including reports from post-injection autopsies, McCullough related the story of an athlete who died during a heart stress test two years after being vaccinated.
Dr. McCullough: The COVID-19 Vaccines are NOT SAFE for Human Use
Testifying before the Arizona State Senate, Dr. @P_McCulloughMD said, as a practicing doctor, that he’s seeing the complications of the COVID-19 vaccines firsthand. He previously reported, “Before COVID-19, I saw…
— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) October 23, 2023
Though news of Erlichman’s death did not include information about if or when the boy was vaccinated, he likely received the Pfizer mRNA shots in 2021, along with the majority of Israelis.
This tragedy underscores McCullough’s warning about the often hidden and long-term risks of post-vaccine myocarditis.
In June, CHD scientists called for an investigation into the CDC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for suppressing evidence linking the mRNA vaccines to myocarditis and pericarditis.
Israeli Ministry of Health hid adverse event data
In a leaked June 2022 video of a Zoom presentation by a research team commissioned by the Israeli Ministry of Health, one of the speakers warned, “We’ll have to think medical-legal — how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits. Why? Because of quite a few side effects, [yet] we said: ‘OK, it exists and reports exist but still get vaccinated.’”
The researcher in the video voiced concerns about long-term adverse events, including a higher rate of events after repeated vaccine doses.
In a leaked video, a research team commissioned by the Israeli MoH warns: “We’ll have to think medical-legal – how to present our findings to avoid lawsuits. Why? Because of quite a few side effects we said: ‘OK, it exists and reports exist, BUT STILL GET VACCINATED’”.
— Yaffa Shir-Raz (@YaffaRaz) September 1, 2022
The ministry two months later issued a report claiming to have found no new safety signals that “were not already known.” It also manipulated the data to show a smaller percentage of adverse events than were observed.
Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch, M.D., Ph.D., discussed the suppressed Israeli data on an episode of “Ask Dr. Drew”:
“We’ve Seen Major Suppression of Adverse Events by Government Agencies”
Yale Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch Speaks about Leaked Video of Israeli Research Team that Suppressed Adverse Events, And Further Misrepresentation of Israeli Gov. advisor to FDA.
— Asher Press (@AsherPress) September 15, 2022
Argentine vaccine ‘poster boy’ died last year
Erlichman’s tragedy mirrors the story of Santino Godoy Blanco, an Argentine boy who died last year at age 4 and who also was reported to have served as a national “poster boy” in advertisements promoting COVID-19 vaccines for children.
The poster boy for Argentina’s
campaign has #diedsuddenly of “bilateral pneumonia”
Santino Godoy Blanco (3) was rushed to hospital due to fever and vomiting.
Before passing his mom says he took off his mask and gave her little kisses because he couldn’t talk anymore
— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) November 13, 2022
A USA Today “fact check” challenged the story, finding the claim false that Blanco’s appearances were promoting COVID-19 vaccines, and instead stating — correctly — that the advertisements were for measles, rubella, mumps and polio shots.
Blanco died of a lung infection associated with double pneumonia, which fact-checkers asserted was “unrelated with vaccination in general or COVID-19 vaccines in particular.”
However, the fact-checkers overlooked data from 2017 linking childhood vaccines to increased pneumonia risk.
In their book, “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak,” Brian Hooker, Ph.D., senior director of science and research at CHD, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., CHD’s chairman on leave, shared study data showing vaccinated children carry a 5 times greater risk of suffering from pneumonia than the unvaccinated.
After Blanco’s death, the Argentine government withdrew the vaccination campaign from all platforms.