Five Ways Your Health Is Under Attack, And How To Protect Yourself – Derrick Broze 10/24/23


In the course of my work as an independent journalist I have explored many important topics which provide crucial context on the pressing issues of the day. This has ranged from geopolitical discussions, political corruption, child abuse and trafficking rings, and so on. However, in my mind, one of the most immediately valuable beats to report on is that of health. Specifically, the myriad of ways in which the average human’s health in the Western world (and the United States explicitly) is under attack.

While I cannot claim to have medical degrees (or even certificates), I have learned how to decipher scientific studies and reports. I’ve also learned about corporate capture of regulatory agencies, and how to read between the lines of official proclamations from governments regarding what is “safe for human consumption”. Unfortunately, while I and my readers have learned over the years which products and/or practices to avoid for optimal health, the masses of people are still largely in the dark about how to protect their health and the health of their loved ones.

It is with that in mind, that The Last American Vagabond offers this concise list of 5 ways your health is under attack, and, most importantly, what you can do about it….

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