NY Times Changes Tune as Evidence Mounts: It’s ‘Long Been Known’ That Biden ‘Interacted’ with Hunter’s ‘Business Partners’ – Frank Bergman 8/1/23

Source: SlayNews.com

The New York Times is now changing its tune as the narrative from the White House crumbles regarding Democrat President Joe Biden’s role in his family business.

The NY Times is now claiming that it “has long been known” that the president “interacted” with his son Hunter Biden’s “business partners.”

The gaslighting shift in position from the corporate media outlet comes after Hunter’s longtime friend and business partner Devon Archer gave an explosive whistleblowing testimony against the Bidens before Congress on Monday.

Archer was called to testify before the House Oversight Committee on the Biden family business.

He confirmed to congressional lawmakers that Joe Biden played a key role in the family’s business deals.

He said it was Joe Biden’s job to sell “the brand” – access to the White House –  to foreign oligarchs.

Archer testified that he was involved in at least 20 meetings where Joe Biden spoke with business associates.

As the evidence now become irrefutable, the corporate media appears to be shifting its handling of the scandal.

In response to Archer’s testimony, the NYT tried to downplay the news by arguing that “It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners.”

The claim led to widespread mockery and allegations that the left-wing newspaper is “gaslighting” its readers.

“I’m guessing most NYT readers did not know this,” Washington Free Beacon investigative reporter Chuck Ross said in a Twitter post alongside a screenshot of the passage.

I’m guessing most NYT readers did not know this https://t.co/VmFxTiYZxs pic.twitter.com/rWX25Yw1zx

— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) August 1, 2023

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine replied, “This takes the cake!

“Something Joe Biden denied for three years and the NYT defended him on.

“Now it’s old news. You have to laugh.”

This takes the cake! Something Joe Biden denied for three years and the NYT defended him on. Now it’s old news. You have to laugh. https://t.co/zoVwDbuVW5

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) August 1, 2023

Archer told the House Oversight Committee that Hunter Biden put his father — then the vice president — on speaker phone roughly 20 times during meetings with business associates to sell the “brand” and the “illusion of access.”

For years, Joe Biden claimed to have never spoken to Hunter about his business dealings.

However, the White House has also recently changed its story on the Biden family business, as Slay News reported.

The White House has changed its language, now claiming the elder Biden was “never in business” with his son.

It seems to be a major U-turn that The New York Times is now claiming that it has “long been known” that the elder Biden had exchanges with his son’s business partners….

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