‘Racist Hair Discrimination’ Legislation is a Culture War Tactic – TheDailyBell 6/29/22

Source: TheDailyBell.com

We live in a failed state. There’s no baby formula GMO feed on shelves for hungry infants. Inflation is out of control. Supply lines are collapsed. Those are just a handful of the legion of ills.

Meanwhile, instead of addressing those crises, the ruling class is most interested in fixing “racist hair discrimination”:

“Lawmakers passed the bill, titled the Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair, or CROWN, Act, largely along party lines, 235-189…

Proponents of the measure argued that formally banning hair discrimination is necessary because Black people are often penalized under workplace and school dress code policies.”

The usual suspects sponsored and promoted the partisan bill — including “Squad” starlet Rep. Ayanna Pressley and unelected New York Governor Kathy Hochul.


Above is a perfect microcosm, again, of what the failed Western state does. It offers low-stakes culture war distractions to set the population against itself. In the fog of war, the vampiric elites extract the national wealth and civil society crumbles.

The CROWN Act is one of many culture war inflection points. Critical race theory (CRT) has become a standard feature of public school curricula. Explicitly and unapologetically racist hiring policies in the federal government are the new normal. The list goes on.

These constitute classic divide and conquer in the tradition of the Roman and British empires. The divide and conquer phenomenon references the elites’ intentional fracturing of power coalitions that might grow out of popular discontent.

When such popular coalitions emerge and coalesce, they could potentially rival the existing power structure. The intended effect of divide and conquer is to stem a budding insurrection before it becomes a threat:

“British rule was certainly to a large extent based upon dividing the local population. Therefore, the empire de facto benefited from the hostile and rivalrous relations between two communities…. Tertius gaudens literally means a rejoicing third that is, a party that benefits from a conflict between two other parties.”

In addition to having historical precedent, the divide and conquer culture war is all also simple cause and effect. There’s nothing sophisticated about it — just pandering to the basest instincts of the human animal….

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