Pittsburgh Motorcycle Officers Transferred After Working Trump Rally – Rick Earle 7/16/24

Source: WPXI.com

11 Investigates has learned exclusively that two Pittsburgh police motorcycle officers who were injured during the shooting at former President Donald Trump’s rally over the weekend have been removed from the cycle unit.

That decision has sparked controversy and disagreement inside the department.

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What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24


On July 1, 2024, the US detained its most prominent political prisoner; its most obvious political prisoner probably since the incarceration of Japanese-Americans in World War 2.

On July 1 2024, podcaster, entrepreneur, former Navy officer, and political advisor to President Trump, Stephen K Bannon, “surrendered”, in his words, to authorities, to begin serving four months’ incarceration at Danbury Federal Prison.

Continue reading “What Time It Is: The Imprisonment of Stephen K. Bannon – Naomi Wolf 7/3/24”

Leading ‘Trump Russia Hoax’ Propagandist’s Wife Indicted As Foreign Spy – ZeroHedge 7/18/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

Max Boot – a big fan of ‘forever wars‘ who laundered Trump-Russia conspiracy theories through the Washington Post – is married to a South Korean spy who used to work for the CIA, and is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (now on ‘administrative leave) – according to a new indictment revealed on Wednesday.

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Leaked Footage Shows Trump Questioning Childhood Vaccines in Phone Call with RFK Jr. – Emily Mangiaracina 7/17/24

Source: LifeSiteNews.com

The son of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently leaked footage online of his father’s phone call with Donald Trump during which the former president questioned childhood vaccines.

Continue reading “Leaked Footage Shows Trump Questioning Childhood Vaccines in Phone Call with RFK Jr. – Emily Mangiaracina 7/17/24”

Bangladesh Riots Force Government To Cut Internet Nationwide As Chaos Erupts – ZeroHedge 7/18/24

Source: Zerohedge.com

Bangladesh has been rocked by weeks of social unrest as thousands of university students protest against inequality, poverty, and the lack of job security in the South Asian country. The unrest worsened this week, forcing the government to shut down the nation’s internet service to prevent further student organizing and unrest.

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“He Did It Again”: Robby Starbuck’s Anti-Woke Crusade Results In Deere Pulling Back On DEI Policies – Zerohedge 7/17/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

Weeks after Tractory Supply nuked its diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives following conservative backlash and boycotts sparked by commentator and filmmaker Robby Starbuck, Deere & Co. announced on X on Tuesday that it will no longer participate in “cultural awareness parades” and pull back on “woke” workplace policies.

Continue reading ““He Did It Again”: Robby Starbuck’s Anti-Woke Crusade Results In Deere Pulling Back On DEI Policies – Zerohedge 7/17/24″

YouTube’s New Firearm Censorship Policies Spark Crisis for Creators – Rick Findlay 7/18/24

Source: ReclaimTheNet.org

YouTube has imposed stringent new policies regarding videos linked to firearms, profoundly affecting channels like the well-known Hickok45. With a subscriber base of 7.75 million, Hickok45 has been a cornerstone in the YouTube firearms community, offering content that spans reviews, safety tips, and educational discussions about firearms.

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Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24

Source: RMX.news

In what may be the most aggressive move against press freedom since the Second World War, Germany has banned Compact Magazine and had over 200 police officers raid the office and home of the publisher, Jürgen Elsässer, along with the homes of other employees and financial backers.

At 6:00 a.m., masked German police officers raided the home of Elsässer and confiscated hard drives and assets. The magazine has a large readership in Germany and a Youtube channel with millions of views and over 300,000 subscribers. The website and its social media channels have now been erased from the web.

Continue reading “Massive Press Crackdown in Germany: Government Bans Compact Magazine in Unprecedented Move, Police Search Publisher’s Home in Early Morning Raid – Remix News 7/15/24”

France Bans Muslim Hijabs from the Olympics – Jonathan Turley 7/18/24

Source: JonathanTurley.org

France’s Sports Minister, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, has announced that French Muslim athletes will be barred from wearing hijabs at the Olympics. The decision is a gross violation of the religious freedom of Muslim athletes and should be condemned throughout the world.

Continue reading “France Bans Muslim Hijabs from the Olympics – Jonathan Turley 7/18/24”

The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24

Source: Brownstone.org

We’ve just come across a document hosted by the Department of Homeland Security, posted March 2023, but written in 2007, that amounts to a full-blown corporatist imposition on the US, abolishing anything remotely resembling the Bill of Rights and Constitutional law. It is right there in plain sight for anyone curious enough to dig.

There is nothing in it that you haven’t already experienced with lockdowns. What makes it interesting are the participants in the forging of the plan, which is pretty much the whole of corporate America as it stood in 2007. It was a George W. Bush initiative. The conclusions are startling.

Continue reading “The Pandemic Excuse for a Corporatist Coup – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/11/24”

Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24

Source: LewRockwell.com

Media reports suggest that Trump’s would-be assassin is dead.

That is simply not true. Trump’s assassin is not dead.

The name of Trump’s assassin is the CIA. If it is not the CIA proper, it is some similarly vile governmental entity that operates in the shadows to undermine the interests of the American dinner table.

Trump’s assassin is not dead. They are very much alive.

Continue reading “Don’t Believe the Lies: Trump’s Assassin is not Dead – Allan Stevo 7/18/24”

Cops Radioed “Blanket Tactical Channel” About Shooter After Rooftop Confrontation, Yet Nothing Was Done – ZeroHedge 7/17/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

Evidence continues to mount that Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump by shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks was allowed to happen, despite ample warning from bystanders, local PD, and even the shooter’s parents.

To review:

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Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says – John-Michael Dumais 7/12/24

Source: ChildrensHealthDefense.org

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Robert Redfield confirmed the dangers of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines in a U.S. Senate hearing Thursday, calling them “toxic” and saying they should never have been mandated.

Continue reading “Mandating COVID Shots ‘One of the Greatest Mistakes,’ Former CDC Chief Says – John-Michael Dumais 7/12/24”

The Rapid Decline of Bugs, Bees and Butterflies: An Unusual Suspect – Fariha Husain 7/9/24

Source: ChildrensHealthDefense.org

The proliferation of wireless communications, which has led to an unprecedented rise in ambient radiofrequency radiation, could be the cause of decreasing insect populations, researchers say.

Scientific literature suggests that the rapid decline of global insect populations may be a blaring indicator of the potentially catastrophic consequences of rising radiofrequency (RF) radiation levels.

Continue reading “The Rapid Decline of Bugs, Bees and Butterflies: An Unusual Suspect – Fariha Husain 7/9/24”

World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24

Source: Unz.com

NIMA ROSTAMI ALKHORSHID: Michael, let’s get started with the SCO summit. And right after that, we’re having the NATO summit. It seems that NATO is fighting on behalf of the United States to try to preserve the U.S. unipolar hegemony over Eurasia and the Global South, isn’t it?

MICHAEL HUDSON: Well, for the last few months, we’ve been discussing how the United States and its allied Western neoliberal economies have driven the non-Western world, the global majority, into protecting themselves and breaking away. And they’ve been developing a whole array of how they’re going to go about splitting.

Continue reading “World Shaking Up! Epic Political & Economic Earthquakes – Michael Hudson 7/15/24”

During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24

Source: Brownstone.org

There is only one major social media platform that is relatively free of censorship. That is X, once known as Twitter, and owned by Elon Musk, who has preached free speech for years and sacrificed billions in advertising dollars in order to protect it. If we don’t have that, he says, we lose freedom itself. He also maintains that it is the best path to finding the truth.

The crisis that broke out after the attempt on Donald Trump’s life put the principle in motion. I was posting regular updates and never censored. I’m not aware of anyone who was. We were getting second-by-second updates in real time. The videos were flying along with every conceivable rumor, many false and then corrected, alongside free speech “spaces” in which everyone was sharing their views.

During this time, Facebook and its suite of services fell silent, consistent with the new ethos of all these platforms. The idea is to censor all speech until it is absolutely confirmed by officials and then permit only that which is consistent with the press releases.

Continue reading “During the Crisis, Free Speech Worked Brilliantly – Jeffrey A. Tucker 7/15/24”

‘That Was A Complete Disaster’; Biden Snaps In Meeting Called To Reassure House Dems – ZeroHedge 7/14/24

Source: ZeroHedge.com

Embattled President Biden opened up a meeting with a group of Democratic US representatives by challenging them to ask him “hard questions” about his candidacy and his fitness to serve — only to jump down the throat of a member who sought reassurance about the 81-year-old’s ability to serve as a strong commander-in-chief. His loss of temper and ill-preparedness for the meeting reportedly did nothing to bolster his audience’s confidence.

Continue reading “‘That Was A Complete Disaster’; Biden Snaps In Meeting Called To Reassure House Dems – ZeroHedge 7/14/24”

10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – Michael Snyder 7/14/24

Source: EndOfTheAmericanDream.com

The people that guard our leaders are supposed to be the most highly trained security personnel in the world.  So how could something like this have happened?  As I mentioned in a previous article, I have been trying to put the pieces together.  To me, it appears that we either just witnessed incompetence on an epic scale or something more insidious was going on out there.  The American people deserve answers, and hopefully we will get them.  But I think that one thing is clear.  I don’t see any possible way that the head of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle, can be allowed to keep her job.  There is no way that this shooting would have happened the way that it did if competent people were running the show.

Continue reading “10 Burning Questions That Every American Should Be Asking About The Trump Shooting – Michael Snyder 7/14/24”

Why Did It Take The Secret Service So Long To Protect Trump? – Michael Snyder 7/15/24

Source: TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com

The more we learn about the attempt to kill Donald Trump, the more questions we have.  Over the past couple of days, I have been digging very deeply into what just happened.  To be honest, what I have discovered is extremely alarming.  At this point, there is a growing consensus that either the Secret Service was grossly incompetent or some sort of very insidious plan was being carried out.  I am going to share facts that have been documented, and I will allow my readers to come to their own conclusions.

Continue reading “Why Did It Take The Secret Service So Long To Protect Trump? – Michael Snyder 7/15/24”

‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 283: Israel Bombs Three Gaza Displacement Centers, Killing Hundreds – Qassam Muaddi 7/15/24

Source: Mondoweiss.net

Hamas confirms that ceasefire talks will continue despite the latest massacres, while differences rise between Netanyahu and Israel’s negotiating team headed by the security services.


  • 38,584 + killed* and at least 88,881 wounded in the Gaza Strip. Among the dead, 28,428 have been fully identified. These include 7,779 children, 5466 women, and 2418 elderly people as of May 1. In addition, around 10,000 more are estimated to be under the rubble.*
  • 575+ Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank including eastern Jerusalem. These include 138 children.**
  • Israel revised its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,140.
  • 682 Israeli soldiers have been recognized as killed, and 4096 as wounded by the Israeli army since October 7.***

Continue reading “‘Operation al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 283: Israel Bombs Three Gaza Displacement Centers, Killing Hundreds – Qassam Muaddi 7/15/24”

Israel is Falling Apart, and American Leaders are in Denial – Philip Weiss 7/15/24

Source: Mondoweiss.net

Israel’s inability to solve the Palestinian issue except by apartheid and massacres has fostered a fascistic and racist political culture in the country. But this truth must be kept from Americans.

Several left-wing voices have said lately that Israel is falling apart. The society is torn over the war, the government is dominated by brutal racists, and the country’s only answer to the fundamental question – half the population is Palestinian – is apartheid and rolling massacres.

Continue reading “Israel is Falling Apart, and American Leaders are in Denial – Philip Weiss 7/15/24”

Two Infants Died Within Hours of Receiving RSV Shots, CDC Internal Emails Show – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/8/24

Source: ChildrensHealthDefense.org

At least two infant deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as occurring after the babies mistakenly received Pfizer’s adult respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine were likely caused instead by nirsevimab, the monoclonal antibody shot approved for infants and meant to prevent RSV.

Continue reading “Two Infants Died Within Hours of Receiving RSV Shots, CDC Internal Emails Show – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/8/24”

Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/11/24

Source: ChildrensHealthDefense.org

The results from the first immunization campaign for nirsevimab, the monoclonal antibody shot approved to protect infants from RSV-related illness, raise questions about mass infant vaccination with the drug, according to a new preprint study.

The study by French scientist Hélène Banoun, Ph.D., which analyzed outcomes from the 2023-2024 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunization campaign in the U.S., France, Spain and Luxembourg, contradicts some claims of success by U.S. public health agencies and medical associations.

Continue reading “Infant RSV Shots May Cause RSV, Other Infections or Death in Some Babies, Study Finds – Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. 7/11/24”