Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal announced early this week that his government had received $3.9 billion from the United States in the form of “direct budgetary aid” – which are funds given from the US and disbursed directly to Kiev through the World Bank.
“This is the first tranche of direct budget support from the United States in 2024. In total, Ukraine will receive $7.8 billion in direct budgetary assistance from the United States this year, which will allow us to confidently pass this financial period,” Shmyhal posted on Telegram.
It is part of the continued Western effort to keep the war-ravaged civic infrastructure and daily services of Ukraine afloat. Without the aid, external supporters fear the country could see civic services collapse, leading to societal unrest and collapse of rule of law.
This fresh budgetary aid infusion will finance ‘priority’ expenditures to include rescue workers, doctors, teachers salaries, public pensions and social benefits. Farmers could also see some of the funds….